Posts by BirtyBassett

    I have a tvheadend 4.1-2195 server working great and is happily serving tv to various other clients on my LAN however I have so far been unsuccessful with getting TV video to display on my RPi1B when using the htsp PVR client. It takes a few seconds to buffer but I only ever hear audio. I have tried pass, matroska and htsp streams. I am using LibreELEC 7.0.2. I am able to play al local SD / HDcontent. Log file is here: cbOj.

    Many thanks in advance.
    OK, so it appears that the CPU is struggling. The below is when audio is playing. Has anyone managed to get TV to stream via RPi1?

    In the log file I see:

    ERROR: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.video_decode) - OMX_UseBuffer failed with omx_err(0x80001018)

    Which leads me to this thread except I cannot find /boot/config.txt