Hi. I'm new to this, and I'm trying to install TigerVNC on my Raspberry Pi 3 which is running LibreElec. My ultimate goal is to be able to view and control my Raspberry Pi's GUI using my Mac to finish the configuration of LibreElec and then connect my Raspberry Pi to a projector using the HDMI cable to play movies. I have no standalone monitor, which is why I'm trying to do this setup using VNC.
I followed these instructions but changed the url to what I found on this VNC Releases page. The steps I did were:
- I connected to my Raspberry Pi via SSH from my Mac
- Changed directory to ~/.kodi/addons
- wget v1.10.1.zip
- unzip v1.10.1.zip
- rm v1.10.1.zip
- reboot
- reconnected to my Raspberry Pi via SSH from my Mac again, after reboot
- typed "vncconfig", got "-sh: vncconfig: not found"
- typed "vncserver", got "-sh: vncserver: not found"
I wasn't sure exactly which directory the tigervnc-1.10.1 folder should be in, so I copied it into both of these directories: "~/.kodi/addons" and "~/.kodi/addons/packages"
Here's SSH output showing the tigervnc-1.10.1 directory in each of those directories.
LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons # ls
metadata.album.universal metadata.common.themoviedb.org
metadata.artists.universal metadata.themoviedb.org
metadata.common.allmusic.com metadata.tvshows.themoviedb.org
metadata.common.fanart.tv packages
metadata.common.imdb.com temp
metadata.common.musicbrainz.org tigervnc-1.10.1
LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons # cd packages
LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/packages # ls
LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/packages #
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Where do I go from here to be able to run the VNC server from my Raspberry Pi?
Am I supposed to be using a binary from Version tigervnc/1.10.1 - tigervnc ? If so, I really have no idea which one to use for LibreElec.
The other thing I tried was , from this post, changing my user agent in Firefox on my Mac and downloading http://addons.libreelec.tv/8.2/Generic/x86_64/addons.xml.gz
I searched for "vnc", and the only relevant bit of XML code was below, which did not (as far as I can see) show the url of a zip file for tigervnc.
<addon id="service.tigervnc"
provider-name="Team LibreELEC">
<import addon="os.libreelec.tv" version="8.2"/>
<import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.1.0"/>
<extension point="xbmc.service" library="default.py">
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
<summary> server</summary>
(1.7.1) is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of Virtual Network Computing, a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with graphical applications on remote machines
- update to TigerVNC 1.7.1
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