I have LibreELEC + Squeezelite on the same RPi 4B+, so I can watch videos uisng LibreELEC and play music using Squeezelite.
First you need some tools. If you don't know how to use these tools, please Google.
1. FileZilla or other ftp client to send files to RPi
2. PuTTY or other SSH client.
1. Download the latest version from https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmscl…eezelite/linux/
use aarch64 version for RPi4. Don't use that one in "Multimedia Tools"
2. Extract the file and copy to /storage/ of RPi using FileZilla.
3. Make squeezelite executable by issuing "chmod a+x squeezelite" on PuTTY terminal.
4. Setup auto start. Create autostart.sh by issuing "nano /storage/.config/autostart.sh" on PuTTY terminal. Then copy and paste the following,
/storage/squeezelite -o default:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a 65536:4::1:1 -b 20000:300000 -r 44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000,352800 -R vE:1A:1:32:95.4:104.6:46 -n 'Kodi-Squeezelite' -C 3
and then Ctrl+O / Ctrl+X to save and exit.
where -o default:CARD=sndrpihifiberry, your sound card's name. You can get it by issuing "aplay -l". You need to change it accordingly.
-n 'Kodi-Squeezelite', the player's name shown in LMS. Change to your favorite name.
-C 3 close the sound card after 3 seconds of idle.
Go to squeezelite man page - General Commands | ManKier and also soundcheck's - audio@vise: introduction if you are interested to learn more.
5. Setup to close LibreELEC sound card when idle. Settings->System->Audio->Keep audio device alive, Select "off".
6. Restart LibreELEC.
This should work and good luck.