Posts by ilmich

    keesijp60 Your box seems to have a type of internal memory called emcp (basically RAM and storage are in a single chip). I don't know if you can send the output of a uart serial, but I'll try to make some changes,
    Regarding your project, time, and several versions of libreleec ago, a user connected an rk322x box to an amplifier through the spdif digital output.

    March 31, 2022 at 1:59 PM

    Maybe you can take a look to understand the potential of your box (the instructions also apply to my builds).

    ochentay4 Finally, some time ago I found a box identical to yours. So being able to do some tests I also managed to get the wifi working (but only on libreelec 11)
    as regards the installation in nand (as in your case), from libreelec 11 it's no longer supported (as indicated in the first post that no one reads 8o). unfortunately, the source code is not available and with the new kernels, the nand binary no longer works.
    Maybe one day this may change. But considering that in my case a couple of nands chip start to corrupt!!! So I always recommend installing it on the SD card because it's more manageable (backups, replacements, etc. etc.)

    Hi chaconet keep in mind that:

    - mine is an unofficial project done in my spare time so basically in the first post you will find some information, but if it is not clear please help me improve.
    - the rk3229 was a very popular soc because it was very powerful and usable even now... this means that the variations are many and even if the images are nightly, I consider them stable on the boxes that I own. On others like yours, I need user support if possible.
    - due to the previous point, I chose to consent boot of my images on as many boxes as possible, which implies that the CPU/RAM is not optimized because some boxes need particular device trees (the supported boxes and the procedure for changing them are in the first post).
    - my build does not work if you try to flash device equipped with nand storage (which is not your case) but on sd/emmc it does. There is no automatic procedure within the build. But you can, after checking that everything works by booting to the SD card, flash it in various ways. This is not well documented because I recommend installing on internal memory only if you know what are you doing.

    Said this:

    - I'm preparing a device tree for your box (from the screenshots you sent it looks like a clone of the Tanix TX2) which I will ask you to try. In the meantime try changing the device tree following the table of the first post keeping in mind that your box has the ddr3 memory type (which makes everything faster but disabled on generic device tree)
    - if you want to install libreelec in the internal memory you can do it with the multitool (…k322x-tv-boxes/). The procedure you find to install armbian also applies to libreelec (you just have to use my images)

    Hi all,

    a new build of libreelec 11 available with:

    - mesa 23.3.6 and kernel 6.1.74
    - added RTL8812CU usb wifi driver (untested)
    - various fixes and improvements
    - updated to latest libreelec source (11.0.6)

    Some features are missing (like NAND).

    My build of Libreelec 11 has some breaking changes that make it incompatible with previous Libreelec 10 builds. In other words, there is no easy way to upgrade your Libreelec 10 setup to Libreelec 11.


    edit: I'm starting to work on libreelec 12.

    Can i clean install libreelec 11 on the emmc or it can run only from SD.

    hi presko, yes of course, my build no longer works if you have a device with NAND storage type. but with the emmc it works like previous builds

    Its most likely that wifi will start when i update to ibreelec 11. Or the firmware shoud be integrated in future update of the build.

    for the RTL8821CU chip I will try to include it in the next build, which I have planned soon, but you will have to help me because I can't test it.

    edit: try this build

    hi LynxChaus , the legacy rockchip kernel (used by libreelec 9.2 builds) sets the resolution to 1280x720 if it doesn't read the edid. the mainline kernel instead (used by my builds) does the same thing but sets a lower and more compatible resolution.

    Some users have had the same problem as you in the past, but I preferred not to change the behavior of the kernel because you can follow this guide (read carefully because some commands are exclusively for x86/x86_64 architectures)

    taking a pre-compiled edid like this

    edid-generator/1280x720.bin at master · akatrevorjay/edid-generator
    Hackerswork to generate an EDID blob from given Xorg Modelines, complete with valid checksum. - akatrevorjay/edid-generator

    Hi all,

    a new build of libreelec 11 available with:

    - mesa 23.3.2 and kernel 6.1.68
    - preemptive kernel for better performance
    - various fixes and improvements
    - updated to latest libreelec source

    Some features are missing (like NAND).

    My build of Libreelec 11 has some breaking changes that make it incompatible with previous Libreelec 10 builds. In other words, there is no easy way to upgrade your Libreelec 10 setup to Libreelec 11.


    Now I have Armbian with kernel 6.1 working fine (my falut, I didn't reset internal eMMC; I thought sdcard had priority during boot process).

    If I remember correctly, the boot sequence always starts from internal memory, and then from a certain point onwards, it goes to the SD card. This causes problems with old bootloaders (as in your case). So either you update what is in the internal memory, or you reset it so that it takes everything from the SD.

    Librelec is still stopping a few rows after kernel start, but now I have a working dtb to try and compare, so I think I know how to proceed.

    Good, from the error I see that it could be a problem with the cpu frequencies. Try removing the cpu0_opp node.

    Should I expect to have also the early boot (minloader-ddrbin-trustos) at 115200? Now this is 1500000.

    Trust is a closed binary, but for ddrbin there is a tool that configures these things. so I would tell you that if everything went well everything is now at 115200.

    Don't worry, you already helped a lot. I will continue by cutting branches on dtb (or merging from the one I've extracted) and maybe also trying to boot Armbian (if it really works) to compare things. I will keep you updated.

    If you get Armbian with kernel 6.1 (should be the stable one) the dtb is compatible, jock2 and I exchange information.

    Btw, the log of uboot is still at 115200bps, maybe something is missing...

    it's normal, now everything is at 115200 (as it should be). regarding the device tree you have probably studied, but they are files that describe the device (how many USB ports it has.. if it has HDMI.. internal storage.. etc etc)
    Unfortunately this week I'm busy at work, and I don't know how much I can help you (having said that without device was hard for me). However, I advise you to take the dtb of the latest build that I sent you, decompile it (there is a tool called dtc), and try to remove some pieces (for example the part that indicates the CPU frequencies).
    However, if I think of anything else I'll let you know.