Posts by Le Glaude

    Hello all

    unfortunately, it didn't work as expected ^^.

    I've installed Docker addon as per Da Flex recommandation and & MadiaDb addon also and follow the installation as per Jeeedom team recommandation & this one : install Jeedom with docker

    First at all, creation of the mySql or mariadb table failed as it wasn't able to find a " matching manifestfor linux/arm/v7".

    afterwards , I remember I created a sql table with the Addon. so how can I retrieve this table & connect this sql table with Jeedom ?

    Thanks in advance for your support


    I'm quite new with libreelec installed on a raspberry P4 4 Gb.
    Is it possible to install Jeedom using same Pi ?

    Thanks in advance for your advise

    Le Glaude