Posts by vevs

    For everyone who searching for a good minimalist and functional replacement of the stock IR-remote. I want to recommend this RF-remote, IMHO, it fits much better for LE-based tv-box.

    pros: same handy shape as Xiaomi BT remote, twice cheaper than it, IR-learning power button, no useless accelerometer and voice functions, good enough build quality, nice feedback from buttons;

    cons: own RF-reciever, noisy clicky buttons, useless mouse emulation button;

    For me, learning power button is a killer feature, because i can easely power-on the box with same remote (TV turns on automatically through CEC). Also this remote can be used with "longperss" parameter in Kodi keymaps. For example, i remapped ordinary (non-IR) power button to "Mute" (method was decribed here), and set its longpress to power menu. Also i can use predefined Kodi longpress shortcuts: long-OK for play/pause, long-UP for switching audio stream, long-Down for switching subtitles etc. Try it, this remote definitely worth its price!

    wrxtasy, Gregoir3, i want to recommend this RF-remote. IMHO, it fits much better for LE-based tv-box.

    pros: same handy shape as Xiaomi BT remote, twice cheaper than it, IR-learning power button, no useless accelerometer and voice functions, good enough build quality, nice feedback from buttons;

    cons: own RF-reciever, noisy clicky buttons, useless mouse emulation button;

    For me, learning power button is a killer feature, because i can easely power-on the box with same remote (TV turns on automatically through CEC). Also this remote can be used with "longperss" parameter in Kodi keymaps. For example, i remapped ordinary (non-IR) power button to "Mute" and set its longpress to power menu. Also i can use predefined Kodi longpress shortcuts: long-OK for play/pause, long-UP for switching audio stream, long-Down for switching subtitles etc. Try it, this remote definitely worth its price!

    I was the one with the problem with a HID Xiaomi Bluetooth remote - all sorts of unwanted repeats and strange stuff was occurring due to the HID patch.

    Quality BT remotes like that one already have fast enough repeat keystrokes, turbo charging such activity really caused issues.

    Revert the HID Kernel patch and the problems disappeared.

    wrxtasy, below are some IMHOs (conclusions of my investigations) that might be usefull for you:

    1) most of modern remote controllers are emulated as keyboards, so they mustn't produce repeats by themselves, but must send distinct events for up & down keystrokes instead;

    2) unwanted repeats in your case might be caused by interferring of native and eventlirc repeats handling mechanism. You could try copy /etc/eventlircd.d folder to /storage/.config and add this to

    systemctl stop eventlircd
    /usr/sbin/eventlircd --evmap=/storage/.config/eventlircd.d --socket=/run/lirc/lircd --repeat-filter

    This might help to avoid unwanted repeats (thanks to --repeat-filter);

    3) you shouldn't use only KERNEL=="event?" condition in udev rules, because numbering of "event" elements not permanent (depends on input devices (dis)connected) and may get changed with time. Instead, you should use this conditions with wildcards and BUS:VID:PID (based on information from your post):

    KERNEL=="event*", KERNELS=="0005:2717:32b2.*", ENV{eventlircd_enable}="true", ENV{eventlircd_evmap}="xiaomibtremote.evmap"

    4) also you don't need ask kszaq to add evmap file to system, you could use simple solution with from 2), or alternative without --repeat-filter (you still need copy /etc/eventlircd.d folder to /storage/.config):

    mount --bind /storage/.config/eventlircd.d/ /etc/eventlircd.d/
    systemctl restart eventlircd

    5) I believe, that key-mapping for RF-remote through eventlircd - it's an overkill solution :) Better way is using of hwdb-file (delete your rules-file first).

    Please, test some of my suggestions to struggle unwanted repeats on 8.1.7 with your Bluetooth remote. I'm asking you because there is no alternative solution for "pecky" volume control on a regular RF-remote except mine (excluded by your request), and i want to ask kszaq bring it back.

    GDPR-1, i'm already switched back to LE8, but as problem is common for both Krypton and Leia - it doesn't matter, right? If not - tell me, and i will make the log in Leia a little bit later. Thanks for your help!


    [ 1861.364151@0] codec:recalc frame_dur

    [ 1861.364182@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 1861.364193@0] codec: new=4003,old_duration=4003,cnt=3986

    [ 1895.604169@0] codec:invalid h264pts1, reset

    [ 2028.943877@0] codec:recalc frame_dur

    [ 2028.943934@0] codec:restart correct frame duration

    [ 2028.943956@0] codec:new=10021,old_duration=4003,cnt=3198

    [ 2030.023784@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 2030.023809@0] codec: new=4005,old_duration=4003,cnt=25

    [ 2196.902558@0] codec:recalc frame_dur

    [ 2196.982591@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 2196.982608@0] codec: new=4003,old_duration=4003,cnt=4028

    [ 2364.492601@0] codec:recalc frame_dur

    [ 2364.532477@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 2364.532519@0] codec: new=4003,old_duration=4003,cnt=8046

    [ 2532.530963@0] codec:recalc frame_dur

    [ 2532.530995@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 2532.531007@0] codec: new=4003,old_duration=4003,cnt=12074

    [ 2700.530368@0] codec:recalc frame_dur

    [ 2700.530404@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 2700.530415@0] codec: new=4003,old_duration=4003,cnt=16102

    [ 2849.209391@0] codec:video_blackout_policy_store(0)

    [ 2849.209459@0] [tsync_avevent]event:1, param 1

    [ 2849.209467@0] video pause!

    [ 2849.213447@3] DI: di_receiver_event_fun , is_bypass() 1 trick_mode 0 bypass_all 0

    [ 2849.213460@3] di_receiver_event_fun: vf_notify_receiver unreg

    [ 2849.213483@2] DI: di_unreg_process unreg start 1.

    [ 2849.213507@2] codec_mm:NULL mem_handle for keeper!!

    [ 2849.214002@2] codec:alloced keep buffer yaddr=0000000067c00000,u_addr=000000007a800000,v_addr=0000000068000000

    [ 2849.214012@2] codec:vf_keep_current keep_y_addr=0000000067c00000 794dc400

    [ 2849.214018@2] codec:ge2d_store_frame_NV21 cur_index:s:0x121110

    [ 2849.214028@2] codec:ge2d_store_frame d:0xd9d8

    [ 2849.221531@2] codec:vf_keep_current: VIDTYPE_VIU_NV21

    [ 2849.221548@2] codec:vf_keep_current: keep video on with keep

    [ 2849.221556@2] [tsync_avevent]event:2, param 0

    [ 2849.221564@2] codec:video first pts = 0

    [ 2849.221581@2] DI: di_unreg_process vf unreg cost 0 ms.

    [ 2849.221588@2] DI: di_unreg_process unreg stop 0.

    [ 2849.223763@3] codec:vdec1 video changed to 0 x 0 0 fps clk->200MHZ

    [ 2849.225337@3] codec:vdec_create instance ffffff8008872000, total 1

    [ 2849.225408@3] codec:Video stbuf alloced at 0000000076800000, size = 10485760

    [ 2849.225424@3] codec:vdec_init, dev_name:amvdec_h264, vdec_type=VDEC_TYPE_SINGLE

    [ 2849.225430@3] codec:vdec_init set vfm decoder ffffff8008872000

    [ 2849.225437@3] codec:vdec_dev_reg.mem[0x77200000 -- 0x7a1fffff]

    [ 2849.227580@3] codec:H264 sysinfo: 1920x1038 duration=4004, pts_outside=1,

    [ 2849.228007@3] codec:vdec_request_irq ffffffc001521008, vh264-irq

    [ 2849.228042@3] DI: di_receiver_event_fun: vframe provider reg

    [ 2849.238082@3] set run_early_proc_fun_flag to 1

    [ 2849.238292@3] codec:vdec_init, vf_provider_name =

    [ 2849.238818@3] codec:video first pts = 0

    [ 2849.238829@3] codec:vdec_request_irq ffffffc001511f60, parser

    [ 2849.240961@3] codec:video_blackout_policy_store(1)

    [ 2849.253360@1] codec:video_blackout_policy_store(0)

    [ 2849.254868@1] [tsync_avevent]event:1, param 1

    [ 2849.254881@1] video pause!

    [ 2849.273397@1] DI: di_receiver_event_fun , is_bypass() 0 trick_mode 0 bypass_all 0

    [ 2849.273406@1] di_receiver_event_fun: vf_notify_receiver unreg

    [ 2849.273443@2] DI: di_unreg_process unreg start 1.

    [ 2849.273456@2] codec_mm:NULL mem_handle for keeper!!

    [ 2849.273461@2] codec:vf_keep_current keep_y_addr=0000000067c00000 67c00000

    [ 2849.273463@2] codec:ge2d_store_frame_NV21 cur_index:s:0x626160

    [ 2849.273469@2] codec:ge2d_store_frame d:0xd9d8

    [ 2849.280802@2] codec:vf_keep_current: VIDTYPE_VIU_NV21

    [ 2849.280804@2] codec:vf_keep_current: keep video on with keep

    [ 2849.280807@2] [tsync_avevent]event:2, param 0

    [ 2849.280811@2] codec:video first pts = 0

    [ 2849.280821@2] DI: di_unreg_process vf unreg cost 0 ms.

    [ 2849.280823@2] DI: di_unreg_process unreg stop 0.

    [ 2849.285080@1] codec:vdec_create instance ffffff80088a3000, total 1

    [ 2849.285694@1] codec:Video stbuf alloced at 0000000076800000, size = 10485760

    [ 2849.285706@1] codec:vdec_init, dev_name:amvdec_h264, vdec_type=VDEC_TYPE_SINGLE

    [ 2849.285708@1] codec:vdec_init set vfm decoder ffffff80088a3000

    [ 2849.285711@1] codec:vdec_dev_reg.mem[0x77200000 -- 0x7a1fffff]

    [ 2849.286966@1] codec:H264 sysinfo: 1920x1038 duration=4004, pts_outside=1,

    [ 2849.286967@1] codec:vdec_request_irq ffffffc001521008, vh264-irq

    [ 2849.286986@1] DI: di_receiver_event_fun: vframe provider reg

    [ 2849.297013@1] set run_early_proc_fun_flag to 1

    [ 2849.297140@1] codec:vdec_init, vf_provider_name =

    [ 2849.297553@1] codec:video first pts = 0

    [ 2849.297556@1] codec:vdec_request_irq ffffffc001511f60, parser

    [ 2849.297921@1] codec:video_blackout_policy_store(1)

    [ 2849.302417@1] codec:video first checkin pts = 63119be

    [ 2849.302420@1] codec:first check in vpts <0x27:0x63119be> ok!

    [ 2849.302614@0] codec:Enter set parameter cmd1.

    [ 2849.303678@0] codec:vdec1 video changed to 3840 x 2160 60 fps clk->648MHZ

    [ 2849.303684@0] codec: max_dpb_size 2

    [ 2849.303755@0] codec:video first pts = 63119be

    [ 2849.343313@0] pre_de_buf_config: source change: 0x0/0/0/0=>0x9000/1920/1038/0

    [ 2849.343321@0] DI:7920 disable post.

    [ 2849.459468@0] vpts to scr, apts = 0x0, vpts = 0x63119be

    [ 2849.459505@0] codec:[video4osd] first picture {1920,1038} pts:63119be,

    [ 2849.459536@0] codec:new toggle keep_id

    [ 2849.501239@0] codec:VsyncEnableVideoLayer

    [ 2849.548281@0] aml_snd_m8_card aml_m8_snd.45: I2S playback disable

    [ 2849.548311@0] aml_snd_m8_card aml_m8_snd.45: IEC958 playback disable

    [ 2849.548460@0] aml_audio_hw: audio_set_aiubuf channel == 8

    [ 2849.548469@0] aml_spdif_dai: aml_hw_iec958_init,runtime->rate=48000, runtime->channels=8, same source mode(1)

    [ 2849.548480@0] aml_spdif_dai: share the same clock

    [ 2849.548530@0] aml_audio_hw: IEC958 PCM32

    [ 2849.548547@0] hdmitx: audio: aout notify rate 48000

    [ 2849.548554@0] hdmitx: audio: aout notify size 32

    [ 2849.548559@0] hdmitx: audio: no update

    [ 2849.548565@0] aml_snd_m8_card aml_m8_snd.45: i2s/958 same source

    [ 2849.548570@0] aml_snd_m8_card aml_m8_snd.45: 8ch PCM output->notify HDMI

    [ 2849.548575@0] hdmitx: audio: aout notify rate 48000

    [ 2849.548578@0] hdmitx: audio: aout notify size 32

    [ 2849.548580@0] hdmitx: audio: no update

    [ 2849.549354@0] aml_snd_m8_card aml_m8_snd.45: I2S playback enable

    [ 2849.549376@0] aml_snd_m8_card aml_m8_snd.45: IEC958 playback enable

    [ 2850.009991@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 2850.010005@0] codec: new=4005,old_duration=4003,cnt=25

    [ 2864.570780@0] codec:fix_frame_rate mode play

    [ 3013.049488@0] codec:recalc frame_dur

    [ 3013.139540@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 3013.139584@0] codec: new=4004,old_duration=4003,cnt=3933

    [ 3181.098532@0] codec:recalc frame_dur

    [ 3181.098584@0] codec:finished correct frame dur

    [ 3181.098606@0] codec: new=4003,old_duration=4003,cnt=796


    03:27:23.523 T:4103221248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening: smb://NAS4FREE/Downloads/VIDEO/sometestvideo.mkv

    03:27:23.523 T:4103221248 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED

    03:27:23.524 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Creating InputStream

    03:27:23.564 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer

    03:27:23.626 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Opening stream: 0 source: 256

    03:27:23.626 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28

    03:27:23.634 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Creating video thread

    03:27:23.634 T:3495957408 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread

    03:27:23.634 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1 source: 256

    03:27:23.634 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86020

    03:27:23.634 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Creating audio thread

    03:27:23.634 T:3200914336 NOTICE: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process()

    03:27:23.635 T:3168658336 NOTICE: Opening stream: 4 source: 256

    03:27:23.650 T:3200914336 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86020, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)

    03:27:23.659 T:3495957408 NOTICE: CAMLCodec::OpenDecoder - using V4L2 pts format: 64Bit

    03:27:23.727 T:4103221248 NOTICE: Display resolution ADJUST : 1920x1080 @ 23.98 - Full Screen (28) (meight: 0.000)

    03:27:23.856 T:4103221248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: OnLostDisplay received

    03:27:24.857 T:3200914336 ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer

    03:27:26.727 T:4103221248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: OnResetDisplay received

    03:27:30.966 T:3200914336 NOTICE: CActiveAEStream::AddData - messy timestamps, increasing interval for measuring average error to 2376 ms

    03:27:48.333 T:3200914336 NOTICE: CActiveAEStream::AddData - messy timestamps, increasing interval for measuring average error to 6000 ms

    03:42:15.542 T:3200914336 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.

    03:42:15.542 T:3200914336 ERROR: CVideoPlayerAudio::DecodeFrame - Decode Error. Skipping audio packet (-1094995529)

    03:43:33.622 T:3200914336 NOTICE: CActiveAEStream::AddData - messy timestamps, increasing interval for measuring average error to 6000 ms

    03:46:40.719 T:3200914336 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.

    03:46:40.720 T:3200914336 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled

    03:48:55.720 T:3200914336 NOTICE: CActiveAEStream::AddData - messy timestamps, increasing interval for measuring average error to 6000 ms

    The autorepeat patch caused issues with some remotes (unwanted repeats), I had to revert it.

    kszaq, could you please make this functionality optional (through config file or something, like you done it for suspend)? A huge bunch of cheap RF-remotes becomes much more handy with it. To be honest, i'm really surprised that somebody faced the problem with unwanted repeates, because i've tested 8.1.7 at all my boxes (A95X, K1 Plus, K2 Pro, Coowell V5) with their IR-remotes (except Coowell - it doesn't have one), with four different RF-remotes (1, 2, 3, 4) and with some gamepads (USB and Bluetooth) - all this stuff works just fine. Also i've looked in keystroke event handling mechanism and just can't imaging how unwanted repeats may occure :(

    Sorry for late report. I've tested LE9 build from Gendo with NG from repo, and unfortunately faced same issues :(


    15:56:30.405 T:3969905552 NOTICE: Opening stream: 7 source: 256

    15:56:30.405 T:3609195408 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread

    15:56:30.408 T:3627172752 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86016, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)

    15:56:30.426 T:3609195408 NOTICE: CAMLCodec::OpenDecoder - using V4L2 pts format: 64Bit

    15:56:32.499 T:4099099088 NOTICE: Display resolution ADJUST : 1920x1080 @ 50.00 - Full Screen (26) (meight: 0.000)

    15:56:32.549 T:3609195408 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer

    15:56:32.935 T:4099099088 WARNING: Previous line repeats 3 times.

    15:56:32.936 T:4099099088 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: OnLostDisplay received

    15:56:34.467 T:3627172752 ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer

    15:56:34.535 T:4099099088 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: OnResetDisplay received

    15:56:37.816 T:4099099088 NOTICE: Display resolution ADJUST : 1920x1080 @ 50.00 - Full Screen (26) (meight: 0.000)

    16:39:16.266 T:3627172752 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled

    16:39:17.964 T:3627172752 ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer

    16:39:19.774 T:4067423120 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.

    16:39:19.774 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3152.175470

    16:39:19.775 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3152.509219

    16:39:19.777 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3236.951262

    16:39:19.861 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3232.408305

    16:39:19.946 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3232.580597

    16:39:19.947 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3146.587471

    16:39:19.947 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3061.578721

    16:39:19.948 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2976.578514

    16:39:19.948 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2890.578513

    16:39:19.948 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2805.578847

    16:39:19.950 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2720.578596

    16:39:19.952 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2634.578430

    16:39:20.031 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2549.654805

    16:39:20.118 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2464.625222

    16:39:20.118 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2378.623472

    16:39:20.118 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2293.623014

    16:39:20.119 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2208.622930

    16:39:20.119 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2122.622889

    16:39:20.120 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2037.623222

    16:39:20.202 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2038.089472

    16:39:20.203 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1952.088639

    16:39:20.203 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1867.088430

    16:39:20.204 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1782.088097

    16:39:20.204 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1696.088014

    16:39:20.205 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1611.099681

    16:39:20.288 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1635.234221

    16:39:20.288 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1634.566805

    16:39:20.288 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1634.900222

    16:39:20.543 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.777694

    16:39:20.629 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.092319

    16:39:20.714 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.518527

    16:39:20.800 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.773194

    16:39:20.885 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.188318

    16:39:20.970 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.416736

    16:39:21.055 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.862985

    16:39:21.141 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.159720

    16:39:21.226 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1725.685762

    16:39:21.226 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1640.684345

    16:39:21.226 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1554.684303

    16:39:21.227 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1469.684220

    16:39:21.227 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1384.685845

    16:39:21.228 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1298.684429

    16:39:21.229 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1213.684637

    16:39:21.230 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1128.684470

    16:39:21.312 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1042.627345

    16:41:56.978 T:3627172752 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled

    16:41:58.669 T:3627172752 ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer

    16:42:00.479 T:4067423120 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.

    16:42:00.479 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3843.877242

    16:42:00.481 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3844.209659

    16:42:00.482 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3843.542909

    16:42:00.630 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3928.815075

    16:42:00.630 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3843.813576

    16:42:00.631 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3757.813284

    16:42:00.631 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3672.813158

    16:42:00.631 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3587.813159

    16:42:00.631 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3501.813200

    16:42:00.631 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3416.813409

    16:42:00.631 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3331.813159

    16:42:00.716 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3245.746898

    16:42:00.800 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3160.881231

    16:42:00.801 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3075.880064

    16:42:00.801 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2989.879481

    16:42:00.801 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2904.879815

    16:42:00.801 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2819.879231

    16:42:00.802 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2733.879315

    16:42:00.803 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2648.879565

    16:42:00.804 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2563.881148

    16:42:00.805 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2477.879606

    16:42:00.806 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2392.879648

    16:42:00.806 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2307.879481

    16:42:00.807 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2221.879398

    16:42:00.808 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2160.900314

    16:42:00.809 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2161.233564

    16:42:00.810 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2160.566898

    16:42:01.057 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2331.437481

    16:42:01.142 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2331.946690

    16:42:01.228 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2331.199190

    16:42:01.313 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2331.883433

    16:42:01.398 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2332.006350

    16:42:01.483 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2331.491432

    16:42:01.569 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2331.785183

    16:42:01.654 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2332.169224

    16:42:01.740 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2331.363434

    16:42:01.825 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2332.011724

    16:42:01.825 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2247.008558

    16:42:01.825 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2161.008474

    16:42:01.826 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2076.008599

    16:42:01.826 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1991.008433

    16:42:01.832 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1905.009224

    16:42:01.836 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1820.008891

    16:42:01.836 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1735.008349

    16:42:01.910 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1648.607279

    16:42:01.996 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1563.862027

    16:42:01.996 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1478.861986

    16:42:02.000 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1392.862402

    16:42:02.000 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1331.881403

    16:42:02.001 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1332.214445

    16:42:02.001 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1331.547820

    16:42:02.166 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1417.260279

    16:42:02.252 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1417.454779

    16:42:02.337 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1416.818612

    16:42:02.422 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1417.025487

    16:42:02.508 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1417.166736

    16:42:02.593 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1416.613370

    16:42:02.678 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1417.215204

    16:42:02.764 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1417.325371

    16:42:02.849 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1416.845996

    16:42:02.935 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1417.125371

    16:42:03.019 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1417.514371

    16:42:03.020 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1331.514455

    16:42:03.021 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1246.513204

    16:42:03.022 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1161.513663

    16:42:03.022 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1075.513871

    16:48:57.423 T:3627172752 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled

    16:48:58.145 T:3609195408 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer

    16:48:59.116 T:3627172752 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.

    16:48:59.117 T:3627172752 ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer

    16:48:59.185 T:3609195408 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer

    16:49:00.926 T:3627172752 ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer

    16:49:00.927 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3723.494616

    16:49:00.928 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3723.827866

    16:49:00.930 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3723.160866

    16:49:01.071 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3808.900658

    16:49:01.071 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3723.899824

    16:49:01.071 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3637.899866

    16:49:01.071 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3552.899658

    16:49:01.072 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3467.899615

    16:49:01.072 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3381.899699

    16:49:01.072 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3296.899657

    16:49:01.073 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3211.899949

    16:49:01.157 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3125.631675

    16:49:01.242 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -3040.797425

    16:49:01.242 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2955.795509

    16:49:01.243 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2869.795384

    16:49:01.243 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2784.795050

    16:49:01.244 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2699.795176

    16:49:01.245 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2613.795092

    16:49:01.247 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2528.795342

    16:49:01.249 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2443.795092

    16:49:01.251 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2357.795218

    16:49:01.254 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2272.795175

    16:49:01.255 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2187.795092

    16:49:01.258 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2101.795051

    16:49:01.260 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2040.815927

    16:49:01.262 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2041.149092

    16:49:01.264 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2040.482592

    16:49:01.498 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2211.395593

    16:49:01.583 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2211.781509

    16:49:01.669 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2210.984217

    16:49:01.754 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2211.133842

    16:49:01.840 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2206.330623

    16:49:01.924 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2206.160207

    16:49:02.010 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2206.450998

    16:49:02.095 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2206.245624

    16:49:02.181 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2206.141082

    16:49:02.265 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2205.896666

    16:49:02.266 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2120.895790

    16:49:02.266 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -2034.895582

    16:49:02.266 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1949.895582

    16:49:02.266 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1864.895624

    16:49:02.268 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1778.895499

    16:49:02.269 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1693.895583

    16:49:02.270 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1608.895583

    16:49:02.352 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1523.425207

    16:49:02.436 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1442.876672

    16:49:02.437 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1357.876255

    16:49:02.437 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1271.875505

    16:49:02.437 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1210.896380

    16:49:02.437 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1211.229672

    16:49:02.438 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1210.563630

    16:49:02.692 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1381.803714

    16:49:02.778 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1382.000381

    16:49:02.862 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1381.438506

    16:49:02.948 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1381.660214

    16:49:03.033 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1382.615999

    16:49:03.119 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1381.665042

    16:49:03.204 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1382.264500

    16:49:03.290 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1382.369084

    16:49:03.375 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1381.963042

    16:49:03.460 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1382.038542

    16:49:03.461 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1297.037417

    16:49:03.461 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1211.037167

    16:49:03.461 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1126.037208

    16:49:03.461 T:4067423120 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1041.037208

    Just now i've watched video through some VOD client with NG enabled:

    13:02:32.617 T:3200672672 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled

    Leia builds are yet unusable for s905(x) boxes, so my tests were made on the different Krypton builds (both MM & Nougat kernels). A little bit later (maybe tomorrow) i'll try to make a long-term Leia test with Hyperion.NG and post results.

    Thanks again for your efforts!