Posts by rdeckart

    I run libreelec on a Zotac Nano CI320, currently running 9.2.0 - with a Bluetooth dongle using Broadcom bluetooth chip BCM20702A0

    When I upgraded to 9.2., my bluetooth speakers stopped working.

     [bluetooth]# devices
    Device A0:E9:DB:90:12:D2 
    [bluetooth]# connect A0:E9:DB:90:12:D2
    Attempting to connect to A0:E9:DB:90:12:D2
    [CHG] Device A0:E9:DB:90:12:D2 Connected: yes
    Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
    [CHG] Device A0:E9:DB:90:12:D2 Connected: no
    [CHG] Device A0:E9:DB:90:12:D2 Connected: yes
    [CHG] Device A0:E9:DB:90:12:D2 Connected: no

    This is a know regression in Linux kernel 5.1.15 - 203997 – [REGRESSION] Unable to connect BT audio device on 5.1.15 where bluetooth devices will not connect, esp. with a Broadcom BCM20702A0 chip on the server.

    The regression seemed to disappear already in version 5.1.16 .

    Will there be a libreelec patch release that uses a later kernel?

    Also, 9.2.0 is missing a patch file for the Broadcom

    Although even adding manually the missing file does not solve the regression.