Posts by Michale

    As I mentioned in a previous comment, I have a small HTPC running LE KODI...

    This is connected via Ethernet to a LE KODI PC that houses my HDs (4TB & 12TB SATA)...

    I currently have approx 1700 Movies and 7100 TV shows... As ya can imagine, listing the movie directory takes a bit o' time... The TV Directory is a bit faster but there is still a noticeable delay....

    I was wondering if I could decrease the response time significantly by making the PC into a NAS box...

    Would the effort/benefit ratio be worth it???


    There's probably different levels of sophistication you can do, but as a minimum you can share content from the 'server' box over SMB to the client device. Connect both to the same Gigabit Ethernet switch and Cat5 of better cables and playback (not streaming) over the LAN should be a breeze. If you will still watch content on the server box; install an SQL database (use Docker) and migrate the Library data there so you can maintain the watched/unwatched status between boxes.

    Thanx... I'll try that when get home...

    If you like pain, connect the client device over WiFi :)

    Heh I try to avoid that whenever possible. :D Thanx again..

    I have a little box HTPC on the shelf below my TV.. Wife wanted the big ugly PC (18TB Video Server) off the shelf, so I set it up on a shelf on my network rack in my office.

    Both machines are running LibreElec KODI (Leia, I believe)..

    What would be the easiest way to link the two machines so I can stream from the 18TB Server to the cute little HTPC box on the shelf..

    I am not a really big fan of streaming due to buffering issues (I have crappy internet) but I figured LAN streaming won't have any buffering issues.. But I am curious exactly how big a draw will networked linked LE Boxes would be..

    Thanx in advance for any assistance..

    Apologies.. I re-read your comment and you spelled it out for me.. DUH...

    Thanx so much for the help...

    OK.. Making progress...

    Ran all the parted commands with nary a hiccup...

    Then the fsck.ext4 gave me this..

    I am thinking that this means what Joe Average was talking about above?? That the HD has some bad areas??

    sorry, now explanation in English. I was in a german language forum before answering here.

    for best performance on a HDD, the partitions should be aligned to some size, e.g. internal buffer of the HDD (most HDD have internal SDRAM cache of about 64-256MB for performance, aka read and/or write cache). Unaligned partitions are working, but should be avoided. So adjust the command to the initial offset of the partition to 2048s (equal to 1MB).

    Thanx for the reply...

    Here is my parted PRINT data..

    How exactly would I adjust the offset for my particular setup.. I am guessing the 512B/4096B has something to do with it, but it's just a guess...

    I am embarrassed by my ignorance.. As I mentioned, it's been a LONG time since I played with Linux... Windows became my addiction I couldn't shake. heh...

    OK So, I know the drive is good..

    How do I alter the command:

    parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart primary ext4 40s 100%

    ... to take into account the full 8TB of the drive??

    Here is what I am seeing when I run the afore line..

    HOLODECK:~ # parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart primary ext4 40s 100%
    Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance: 40s % 2048s != 0s
    HOLODECK:~ #

    could you tell what your "kodi box" is ?

    e.g. is it a ~PC~ where you could connect at least 2 HD ?

    Yes, sorry about that.. It's a Dell PC Desktop.. I originally have 3 HDs hooked to it.. An SSD that is the boot drive, the 4TB and the 6TB...

    Now, I just have the SSD boot and the 8TB...

    I found a link here....

    March 24, 2017 at 8:37 PM

    .... that I am trying to follow...

    OK... I got a hiccup here..

    parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart primary ext4 40s 100%

    I am guessing because I am using a different size HD than the one in the other thread, I need to modify that line...




    It's kinda coming back to me now.. :D

    I need some assistance with some very basic LINUX setup..

    As the previous post indicated, I haven't got a lot of LINUX knowledge.. I haven't used LINUX since my FEDORA days..

    What I want to do is set up an 8TB HD thru my KODI box.. Making sure it's "clean" and all that, I then want to copy the Data from a 4TB and a 6TB to the 8TB... The 4 and 6 aren't full so everything should fit..

    Then I want to format and clean the 4 and 6 thru the KODI box and then copy all the data from the 8TB back to their respective drives..

    I just need some hints and tips on how to get started.. I have read thru this...

    9 Linux Parted Command Examples – mkpart, mkpartfs, resize partitions

    ... but it's hard to correlate what I read to what I need..

    Any help would be most appreciated..

    I just re-installed KODI/LE with LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.0.1.img... I am on a generic DELL PC...

    I go to change the SKIN to CONFLUENCE, but there is no GET MORE button.. My KODI box is connected to the network..

    Also, when I try to SSH in, I get a PERMISSION DENIED error when I use the DEFAULT PW or a password of my own creation..

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> ssh
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:n9Q8sdiLqAbUBdqiUBZ8reOQdwndH4kDOVwJGcMzXR4.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
    [email protected]'s password:
    Permission denied, please try again.
    [email protected]'s password:

    Not sure what's going on.. Any assistance would be most appreciated...


    Figured it out..

    I can go thru ADD-ONS for the skin and I need to use the [email protected]..

    Apologies the waste of photons..

    OK, that sounds about right.. Forgot that I actually got it into safe mode once or twice.. Sorry, I am juggling three projects at once plus a covid shutdown...

    I won't be able to try it until I get home.. Depending on how late that is, I might not be able to follow up til the morning..

    Thanx to all for the input.. I'll get with ya'all soon...

    Thanx again...