Posts by MartinC

    What exactly do you mean by 'force update addons in the menu on the left'. I can select Update in the config for the add-in, the only version available is 9.0.118.

    I tried a new install and everything is fine (TVHeadend 9.2.110) so it looks like something went wrong with my upgrade from 9.0.2.

    I will carry on with the new installation and see if I can copy the TVHeadend config from the old system.

    I tried again and no change for me, I still get 'tvheadend: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'

    When I try to update TVHeadend the 'new' version is 9.0.118, this is the same as the version already installed.

    This is via the settings for TVHeadend, is this what you mean by 'you can force the update at the Kodi repo settings (left menu)' or is there some other way to do this.

    Can I get an updated build of tvheadend in a zip file?

    Am I missing something here? I installed Librelec from LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.0.img.gz

    This is all with the Generic.X86_64 build, RaspberryPi is OK