There is a separate RTL8188EU-aml package for Amlogic devices, so I have never used the RTL8188EU made by lwfinger in my images.
For example, for the options file for S805 project looks like this:…05/options#L118
However, this has been a topic here before (#337), but since it is quite difficult to trace back where was published the source code you used, I don't know what you guys actually included earlier.
Interesting, although this RTL8188EU-aml driver is years older than the aircrack-ng one (not that this proves it is a better/worse driver, but the aircrack-ng one seems to be working really well for me so far)
The faulty lwfinger driver was defined here: . Perhaps you could update this, as it appears to be your repo after all?
The lwfinger driver is probably EOL anyway, as its author has sadly passed (RIP) - RIP to Larry Finger · Issue #458 · lwfinger/rtl8188eu