Posts by Schneider1727

    Thanks Klojum. I was thinking of doing that, but thought I would poke around a bit before I went down the long route.

    I should have mentioned, I am running on a Raspberry Pi 3.

    Are there no other logs I can check to see what is going wrong? I tried enabling debugging through advancedsettings.xml, but the normal log (not the crash log) is blank too.

    Thanks again.


    I am a Linux newbie. I was playing around trying to fix the key mappings for a new remote via SSH and somewhere along the line I broke Kodi.

    On restart, Kodi does not start. I have found the following:
    #systemctl list-units
    eventlircd.service loaded active running Eventlirc
    kmod-static-nodes.service loaded active exited Create lis
    kodi-cleanlogs.service loaded active exited Kodi clean
    kodi.service loaded activating auto-restart Kodi Media

    Restarting Kodi does not work either:
    # systemctl restart kodi.service

    After the restart, 'systemctl list-units' gives me the same thing I had before.

    I have checked the logs and kodi is generating a whole lot of crash log files in '/.kodi/temp'
    All of the crash files are empty:
    ############## kodi CRASH LOG ###############

    ################ SYSTEM INFO ################
    Date: Sat Aug 20 18:09:32 AWST 2016
    kodi Options: --standalone -fs --lircdev /run/lirc/lircd
    Arch: armv7l
    Kernel: Linux 4.1.18 #1 SMP Mon Feb 29 20:48:22 CET 2016
    Release: OpenELEC 6.0.3
    ############## END SYSTEM INFO ##############

    ############### STACK TRACE #################
    gdb not installed, can't get stack trace.
    ############# END STACK TRACE ###############

    ################# LOG FILE ##################

    ############### END LOG FILE ################

    ############ END kodi CRASH LOG #############

    I do not know where to go to find the issues. Any ideas?
