Posts by retif

    Unfortunately, that didn't work, but it helped me to realize that rclone doesn't respect symlinks by default. And after reading its documentation a bit I found a solution - to create a config section for local disk with this option provided and then use disk:/var/media/mydisk instead of /var/media/mydisk, and then it will use the right path to external disk.

    If anyone else would need it - /storage/.config/rclone/rclone.conf:

    type = local
    copy_links = true

    Actually, copy_links = true is an overkill here, but should help in case of ln -s /var/media/mydisk /storage/var/media/mydisk.

    LibreELEC on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. External HDD is connected via USB.

    I installed rclone to download files from my server over SFTP. And that works just fine, for example this command:

    # rclone copy myserver:/some/path/video.mkv /var/media/mydisk/downloads/

    ...successfully downloads video.mkv to /var/media/mydisk/downloads/, so it is saved to my external HDD.

    As the next step I ran rclone with its web-based GUI and connected to it from browser on my PC. Using its explorer I can successfully browse my external HDD (/var/media/mydisk/). But downloading a file from remote server behaves weirdly: the download itself goes just fine, but instead of /var/media/mydisk/downloads/ the file is saved to /storage/var/media/mydisk/downloads/, so it looks like rclone "thinks" that / "resolves" to /storage/.

    Do you think it can be "fixed" somehow in the system (as I guess it is caused by non-standard folders structure in LibreELEC), or does it look more like a bug in rclone's web GUI?