Hi, I use libreelec and since version 6.x I keep getting audio/video complete freeze (audio loop) only when using tvheadend with HD channels, here's my log during the last freeze:
19:03:30 T:2861228960 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:2119:03:31 T:2969732000 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Write: write failed !19:05:02 T:3036803648 ERROR: Previous line repeats 103 times.19:05:02 T:3036803648 NOTICE: Samba is idle. Closing the remaining connections19:05:03 T:2969732000 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Write: write failed !19:05:11 T:2562716576 ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.19:05:11 T:2562716576 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer19:05:14 T:2969732000 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Write: write failed !19:06:45 T:2545939360 ERROR: Previous line repeats 35 times.19:06:45 T:2545939360 ERROR: CDVDMsgGeneralSynchronize - timeout19:06:46 T:2545939360 ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times.19:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: PVRManager - PerformChannelSwitch - switched to channel 'Fox HD'19:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer19:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Opening stream: 0 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2819:06:46 T:2545939360 ERROR: Unable to load libamplayer.so, reason: libamplayer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:06:46 T:2545939360 WARNING: CAMLCodec::CAMLCodec libamplayer.so not found, trying libamcodec.so instead19:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 8601919:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Opening stream: 4 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Closing stream player 319:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 8601919:06:46 T:2668282784 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86019, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)19:06:46 T:2668282784 NOTICE: CDVDPlayerAudio::OutputPacket duplicate 3 packets of duration 3219:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Opening stream: 0 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2819:06:46 T:2545939360 ERROR: Unable to load libamplayer.so, reason: libamplayer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:06:46 T:2545939360 WARNING: CAMLCodec::CAMLCodec libamplayer.so not found, trying libamcodec.so instead19:06:49 T:2969732000 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Write: write failed !19:06:53 T:2668282784 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.19:06:53 T:2668282784 NOTICE: CDVDPlayerAudio::OutputPacket duplicate 3 packets of duration 3219:06:53 T:2668282784 NOTICE: CDVDPlayerAudio::OutputPacket skipping a packets of duration 3219:06:54 T:2562716576 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.19:06:54 T:2562716576 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
Do you have any idea what could be causing that?