Posts by dcervi

    Oh, now I see it was my mistake. I enabled EAC3 passthrough and played an DD+ file while my system can't decode it.
    So DTS and DD works for me but dissabeling EAC3 passthrough gives me a stereo output to my sound system when I try to play a DD+ file. And it's not a good one. Center and sub channels seem to be missing so I can't understand one single word when someone speaks.
    Do I need additional decoders to transcode DD+ to simple DD for my system? If so, how do I install them?

    I had a simmilar issue when I used the KODI DSPlayer for windows. I solved it by installing AC3 filter to my system and defined there what is to be passed through and what has to be recoded to AC3.

    I have the same problem on 8.0.1a with EAC3 passthrough on live TV channels. Stereo sound missing center channel on my 5.1 system connected through SPDIF (EAC3 passthrough disabled in settings).

    Enviat des del meu D5803 usant Tapatalk

    Kszaq, what BT firmware are you using for the driver?

    I can see on lwfinger's github a new firmware uploaded a month ago that supposedly is working better for some users. Can you try making a test build with this firmware, please?

    Enviat des del meu D5803 usant Tapatalk


    Regarding bluetooth audio on MiniMX 1GB, indeed it was connecting at default speed of 115200 bps, not enough for audio streaming.

    Changing the line:

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/brcm_patchram_plus --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/%I.hcd /dev/ttyS1 --enable_hci --no2bytes --tosleep=50000


    ExecStart=/usr/bin/brcm_patchram_plus --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/%I.hcd --baudrate 2000000 /dev/ttyS1 --enable_hci --no2bytes --tosleep=50000

    in file "/projects/S905/packages/linux-firmware/brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-aml/system.d/[email protected]" completely fixed the issue. Could you add this patch on future releases, please?

    *It seems max supported baudrate is 4000000, but I had a complete lock of bluetooth device after using this speed for some minutes. I've tested 2000000 for more than half hour and got clompletely clear sound with no perceptible delay or sync problems.

    **Also, FYI, power button on MiniMX 1GB correctly sets de device to suspend mode (red light and instant start-up after pressing power again). Shutdown and reboot through power menu also working fine. I've not tested other options.

    Update on bluetooh audio issues:

    It's perfectly working without any perceptible delay on my Mini MXIII (rev20c too) with the CSR BT dongle (internal not detected).

    So, I think the problem should be related with MiniMX 1GB internal BT driver. It seems as it being attached with too low UART speed to support audio streaming, but I don't know how to check the UART baudrate.

    Enviat des del meu D5803 usant Tapatalk

    EDIT: forget what I've said it's due to my stupid headset that now is dead :(
    Sorry for my first answer it is the same as you described also for me, my first headset doesn't connect the other sounds stutter

    Maybe your headphones are broken, but it's doing the same with my Sony SBH20 headset. It's a little better if I disable internal BT through SSH and connect my CSR BT4.1 dongle, but still with huge delay.

    I hope it can be fixed on newer builds.

    Enviat des del meu D5803 usant Tapatalk