Posts by kapqa

    the image 8.9 was more functional for me (sadly i find the image anylonger) but if it is no more available then it must be for a good reason and i'll have to stick with the newer builds.

    compatibility seems bit less with older smbv1/2 that runs on my macmini server with snow leopard10.6 (luckily snow leopard has still ftp sharing options)

    hopefully the pvr-iptvsimple-addon gets fixed as the eyetv iptv server running on my macmini does not provide any channellist for this kodi alpha 19 it seems.

    Thank you very much for the A64(+) image, it is highly appreciated.

    One thing is noticed though is that i could not get the SMB Share to function from Windows PC to A64. With Mac SambaShare it functions, but the Windows Workgroup is just not picked up.

    Maybe there are some changes in Leia as i noticed this behaviour also on a recent image on the Raspberry Pi2.

    Also there: MacSambaShare is seen, Windows7 not.

    When i downgraded the image to Jarvis on the Raspberry Pi2, the samba share from Windows7 would become visible.