Posts by ProTofik


    Very simple question before I start spending money on something that may not work.

    Running latest LibreElec on rPI4, can you connect two separate bluetooth speakers and make them play audio in stereo? Like set one bluetooth device as left channel, and other as right channel.


    You don't really mention what version of LE your running. RPi4 will cap out at roughly ~80Mbps for Wi Fi performance, regardless of connection speed. If your OC'd then I have heard of up to 100Mbps. It is limited by the SDIO bus speed, and as I understand it there is nothing you can do about this. The performance will vary based on congestion, distance, etc.

    What I would do is install iperf3 on your NAS, and then test both directions from your RPi4. I am in a similar situation, and I have used the internal Wi-Fi before but typically my content is HD or FHD, and ran into buffering problems even with sustained 80Mbps bandwidth. You can try to combat that with adjusting the cache memory size via advancedsettings.xml, on a 2GB RPi4 you have plenty of RAM available so something like this should be OK:

    <advancedsettings version="1.0">

    Some folks will say this will slow down video load times (I haven't noticed anything, and I actually run with 512MB cache), or it requires 3x memory (I think the Kodi Wiki says this, it may have been true with older versions of Kodi -- but doesn't appear to be the case anymore). But reality is the cache memorysize is the fixed memory allocation, 1/4 of the buffer is for the back cache (rewind), and 3/4 is the forward cache.

    With that all being said, this might be enough to make it work with HD/FHD content. Not sure about UHD (4k) content. I personally bought a USB stick, and can get up to 250Mbps with it. USB bus has a lot more bandwidth than the built-in Wi-Fi.

    Thanks for that, I need to try it. A standard FHD BluRay's ISO bitrate is usually at around 40Mb. 80Mb in theory should be plenty enough but as we all know, wireless is wireless. I'm picking up powerline adapter from friend tomorrow, I will give it a try.

    By the way, which USB adapter have you bought that gets 250Mb/s on Pi?


    I have been running multiple instances on LibreElec on my Raspberry Pis throughout the house ever since I remember, however this is first time I am trying to get it to work through Wi-Fi rather than through ethernet cable.

    My rPI4 is now attached to a TV that is nowhere ethernet socket, so I need to find another solution. I took my Pi out of the case to maximise antenna's reception however when attempting to stream videos via Wi-Fi, I can't get anything with bitrate more than 8-10Mbps to stream smoothly off my NAS. I believe that Pi4's built-in Wi-Fi is just not capable of doing it. Definitely not a problem with my house's Wi-Fi setup (Cisco 3802 with vWLC).

    So my question to you is, is there any magic I can do to my Pi to improve its Wi-Fi performance, do I need to buy external USB Wi-Fi adapter, or should I give up on wireless and just buy powerline adapter? Thoughts?

    Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB

    Software: LibreElec 9.1.501

    Watching movies, in some videos (always same ones) I experience very annoying poping/cracking of sound, similar to an effect you would get if you amplified sound, compressed the crap out of it, and scaled the volume down back again. This only occurs on the analogue output of Raspberry Pi 4. If I play the same file but run the audio over ODAC instead, it sounds fine.

    Here is pastebin of mediainfo output for audiostreams that cause problems, and compared to ones that are fine.

    Definitely nothing wrong with the files, they play perfectly fine on everything else I have ever tried them on, including that Pi itself when connected to external USB DAC.

    I'm new to LibreElec and Kodi, so I'm not too sure where to start looking for logs or any other clues.

    Thank you