Posts by mtrcycllvr
WOW - okay - this is SOLVED, (Happy dance!
) but only by VARIATIONS on all the help quoted above and so many repetitions my head is spinning. Let me, for the record, detail EXACTLY what worked here and how to repeat this with ANY blutooth remote.. Of course this is all based on my current revision of LE (12.0.0) and HW (RPi5). Your version/HW difference may be, well, different..
CodeLivingroom:~ # reboot Livingroom:~ # Connection to livingroom closed by remote host. Connection to livingroom closed. $USERNAME@MacBook-Pro ~ %
Step Two: LOGIN AS ROOT, STOP KODI (required to run evtest below!!)
Code$USERNAME@MacBook-Pro ~ % ssh root@livingroom ############################################## # LibreELEC # # # ############################################## LibreELEC (official): 12.0.0 (RPi5.aarch64) Livingroom:~ # systemctl stop kodi Livingroom:~ #
Step Three: RUN journalctf -f (control -c when output stops!)
Display MoreLivingroom:~ # journalctl -f Jul 18 21:21:29 Livingroom[1099]: Traceback (most recent call last): Jul 18 21:21:29 Livingroom[1099]: File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.upnext/resources/lib/", line 39, in __del__ Jul 18 21:21:29 Livingroom[1099]: File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.upnext/resources/lib/", line 16, in log Jul 18 21:21:29 Livingroom[1099]: File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.upnext/resources/lib/", line 164, in log Jul 18 21:21:29 Livingroom[1099]: File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.upnext/resources/lib/", line 43, in set_property Jul 18 21:21:29 Livingroom[1099]: File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.upnext/resources/lib/", line 17, in from_unicode Jul 18 21:21:29 Livingroom[1099]: ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down Jul 18 21:21:30 Livingroom systemd[1]: kodi.service: Deactivated successfully. Jul 18 21:21:30 Livingroom systemd[1]: Stopped kodi.service. Jul 18 21:21:30 Livingroom systemd[1]: kodi.service: Consumed 12.835s CPU time. ^C Livingroom:~ #
Step Four: USE THE REMOTE - Just poke it a few times to make sure it's sending and LE is listening!
Step Five: RUN /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.system-tools/bin/evtest
(example WITHOUT having used remote first!)
CodeLivingroom:~ # /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.system-tools/bin/evtest No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event* Available devices: /dev/input/event0: vc4-hdmi-0 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event1: vc4-hdmi-1 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event2: pwr_button Select the device event number [0-2]: ^C Livingroom:~ #
(Example WITH "priming" the remote as you need to do to get this to work!!)
CodeLivingroom:~ # /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.system-tools/bin/evtest No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event* Available devices: /dev/input/event0: vc4-hdmi-0 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event1: vc4-hdmi-1 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event2: pwr_button /dev/input/event3: UR02 Keyboard /dev/input/event4: UR02 Mouse Select the device event number [0-4]:
Choose the "Keyboard" device!!
CodeSelect the device event number [0-4]: 3 Input driver version is 1.0.1 Input device ID: bus 0x5 vendor 0x508 product 0x1980 version 0x0 Input device name: "UR02 Keyboard" --omitted output here (lots!)-- Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
Step Six: PRESS THE GOSH DARNED "OK" KEY on your remote that giving us all such a headache!! (just once, then ctl-c out)
CodeTesting ... (interrupt to exit) Event: time 1721363468.555115, type 20 (EV_REP), code 0 (REP_DELAY), value 500 Event: time 1721363468.555115, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value c0041 Event: time 1721363468.555115, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 28 (KEY_ENTER), value 1 Event: time 1721363468.555115, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ Event: time 1721363468.704544, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value c0041 Event: time 1721363468.704544, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 28 (KEY_ENTER), value 0 Event: time 1721363468.704544, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ ^C Livingroom:~ #
Step Seven: RUN cat /proc/bus/input/devices |grep Sysfs
CodeLivingroom:~ # cat /proc/bus/input/devices |grep Sysfs S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/soc/107c701400.hdmi/sound/card0/input0 S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/soc/107c706400.hdmi/sound/card1/input1 S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/pwr_button/input/input2 S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/misc/uhid/0005:0508:1980.0001/input/input3 S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/misc/uhid/0005:0508:1980.0001/input/input4 Livingroom:~ #
From /proc/bus/input/devices, you want the ling that looks like this:
You can ALSO grope around in the output of /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.system-tools/bin/evtest for this data:
CodeSelect the device event number [0-4]: 3 Input driver version is 1.0.1 Input device ID: bus 0x5 vendor 0x508 product 0x1980 version 0x0 Input device name: "UR02 Keyboard"
Which is translated in this line/format: Use 0005 as Bus, 0508 as Vendor and 1980* as Product:
From the output of evtest, you want to use the "EV_MSC" and EV_SCAN output value, the LAST thing on the line:
Which is translated thus: (NOTE THE LEADING SPACE!!!) I had missed this and it forked me for a bit..
Step Nine: Create a file: /storage/.config/hwdb.d/99-$SOMESTRING.hwdb
Put these two lines you coalated from all this data into a file - essentially ANY file, but in startup.d name format in the /storage/.config/hwdb.d/ directory.
Use anything you like for "$SOMESTRING" I used date related to my brand of remote. Format it as the example below.
AGAIN, NOTE THE LEADING SPACE on the "KEYBOARD" line!! (the forum SW nicely trims this for us - so it was difficult to figure this little tidbit out!! It's CRITICAL!!) Credit Chewitt for plainly showing me, and me for blowing it at first..CodeLivingroom:~ # cat /storage/.config/hwdb.d/99-UR02.hwdb evdev:input:b0005v0508p1980* KEYBOARD_KEY_c0041=enter Livingroom:~ #
Step Ten: RUN /usr/bin/systemd-hwdb (Other posts list "udevadm hwdb --update", which works, but is depreciated..)
Step Eleven: RUN /usr/bin/udevadm
Step Twelve: RESTART kodi!!
Step Thirten: TEST!! Does it work - it did for me - it should for you! Congratulations!
This was one of the most difficult things about kodi to figure out that I've ever encountered (Mostly because I can't read!!
) - and there are SO MANY FORUM ENTRIES ABOUT IT, but they seem a little scattered and none have the process listed from end to end, soo... Chewit detailed the leading space issue, but I missed it - dumb ass me. Hiassoft pointed me to a previous post that listed "udevadm hwdb --update" which is depreciated now and replace with systemd-hwdb.. Both work, but we should use the current stuff, right?
Anyway, A SUPER SHOUTOUT to both ChewitT and HiassofT for their great assistance - could NOT have got it done without you!
Hope this summary helps the next person in line that sees a deal in a cheap BT remote from AliExpress!!
Time to watch a movie!!
Thanks, Chewitt!
I've set up the file and tried a number of "c00$CODE" string variations - rebooting after each variation. So far, no luck..
I had originally named the file "70-local-keyboard.hwdb", but as it's the ONLY init file in the hwdb.d directory, the file name hardly seems to matter.. (I updated it to your suggestion..)
CodeLivingroom:~ # cat /storage/.config/hwdb.d/99-UR02.hwdb evdev:input:b0005v0508p1980* KEYBOARD_KEY_c0096=enter Livingroom:~ #
I've tried all the "enter" codes, and a few others including the c0041 quoted in the original article just for fun..
I'll keep going down the list.. What heck - there are only a couple hundred possibilities, right?
I'll report back if I figure out the right mix..
Thanks for helping me at least figure out that I' on the right path here!
Thank you, Chewitt!
That got me a little further, but I'm not 100% sure how or if I can use the information gleaned. First, here's the output of "evtest" after a clean reboot, then running "journalctf -f"
Display MoreLivingroom:~ # evtest No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event* Available devices: /dev/input/event0: vc4-hdmi-0 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event1: vc4-hdmi-1 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event2: pwr_button /dev/input/event3: UR02 Keyboard /dev/input/event4: UR02 Mouse Select the device event number [0-4]: 3 Input driver version is 1.0.1 Input device ID: bus 0x5 vendor 0x508 product 0x1980 version 0x0 Input device name: "UR02 Keyboard" Supported events: Event type 0 (EV_SYN) Event type 1 (EV_KEY) Event code 1 (KEY_ESC) Event code 2 (KEY_1) Event code 3 (KEY_2) Event code 4 (KEY_3) Event code 5 (KEY_4) Event code 6 (KEY_5) Event code 7 (KEY_6) Event code 8 (KEY_7) Event code 9 (KEY_8) Event code 10 (KEY_9) Event code 11 (KEY_0) Event code 12 (KEY_MINUS) Event code 13 (KEY_EQUAL) Event code 14 (KEY_BACKSPACE) Event code 15 (KEY_TAB) Event code 16 (KEY_Q) Event code 17 (KEY_W) Event code 18 (KEY_E) Event code 19 (KEY_R) Event code 20 (KEY_T) Event code 21 (KEY_Y) Event code 22 (KEY_U) Event code 23 (KEY_I) Event code 24 (KEY_O) Event code 25 (KEY_P) Event code 26 (KEY_LEFTBRACE) Event code 27 (KEY_RIGHTBRACE) Event code 28 (KEY_ENTER) Event code 29 (KEY_LEFTCTRL) Event code 30 (KEY_A) Event code 31 (KEY_S) Event code 32 (KEY_D) Event code 33 (KEY_F) Event code 34 (KEY_G) Event code 35 (KEY_H) Event code 36 (KEY_J) Event code 37 (KEY_K) Event code 38 (KEY_L) Event code 39 (KEY_SEMICOLON) Event code 40 (KEY_APOSTROPHE) Event code 41 (KEY_GRAVE) Event code 42 (KEY_LEFTSHIFT) Event code 43 (KEY_BACKSLASH) Event code 44 (KEY_Z) Event code 45 (KEY_X) Event code 46 (KEY_C) Event code 47 (KEY_V) Event code 48 (KEY_B) Event code 49 (KEY_N) Event code 50 (KEY_M) Event code 51 (KEY_COMMA) Event code 52 (KEY_DOT) Event code 53 (KEY_SLASH) Event code 54 (KEY_RIGHTSHIFT) Event code 55 (KEY_KPASTERISK) Event code 56 (KEY_LEFTALT) Event code 57 (KEY_SPACE) Event code 58 (KEY_CAPSLOCK) Event code 59 (KEY_F1) Event code 60 (KEY_F2) Event code 61 (KEY_F3) Event code 62 (KEY_F4) Event code 63 (KEY_F5) Event code 64 (KEY_F6) Event code 65 (KEY_F7) Event code 66 (KEY_F8) Event code 67 (KEY_F9) Event code 68 (KEY_F10) Event code 69 (KEY_NUMLOCK) Event code 70 (KEY_SCROLLLOCK) Event code 71 (KEY_KP7) Event code 72 (KEY_KP8) Event code 73 (KEY_KP9) Event code 74 (KEY_KPMINUS) Event code 75 (KEY_KP4) Event code 76 (KEY_KP5) Event code 77 (KEY_KP6) Event code 78 (KEY_KPPLUS) Event code 79 (KEY_KP1) Event code 80 (KEY_KP2) Event code 81 (KEY_KP3) Event code 82 (KEY_KP0) Event code 83 (KEY_KPDOT) Event code 85 (KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU) Event code 86 (KEY_102ND) Event code 87 (KEY_F11) Event code 88 (KEY_F12) Event code 89 (KEY_RO) Event code 90 (KEY_KATAKANA) Event code 91 (KEY_HIRAGANA) Event code 92 (KEY_HENKAN) Event code 93 (KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA) Event code 94 (KEY_MUHENKAN) Event code 95 (KEY_KPJPCOMMA) Event code 96 (KEY_KPENTER) Event code 97 (KEY_RIGHTCTRL) Event code 98 (KEY_KPSLASH) Event code 99 (KEY_SYSRQ) Event code 100 (KEY_RIGHTALT) Event code 102 (KEY_HOME) Event code 103 (KEY_UP) Event code 104 (KEY_PAGEUP) Event code 105 (KEY_LEFT) Event code 106 (KEY_RIGHT) Event code 107 (KEY_END) Event code 108 (KEY_DOWN) Event code 109 (KEY_PAGEDOWN) Event code 110 (KEY_INSERT) Event code 111 (KEY_DELETE) Event code 113 (KEY_MUTE) Event code 114 (KEY_VOLUMEDOWN) Event code 115 (KEY_VOLUMEUP) Event code 116 (KEY_POWER) Event code 117 (KEY_KPEQUAL) Event code 119 (KEY_PAUSE) Event code 120 (KEY_SCALE) Event code 121 (KEY_KPCOMMA) Event code 122 (KEY_HANGUEL) Event code 123 (KEY_HANJA) Event code 124 (KEY_YEN) Event code 125 (KEY_LEFTMETA) Event code 126 (KEY_RIGHTMETA) Event code 127 (KEY_COMPOSE) Event code 128 (KEY_STOP) Event code 129 (KEY_AGAIN) Event code 130 (KEY_PROPS) Event code 131 (KEY_UNDO) Event code 132 (KEY_FRONT) Event code 133 (KEY_COPY) Event code 134 (KEY_OPEN) Event code 135 (KEY_PASTE) Event code 136 (KEY_FIND) Event code 137 (KEY_CUT) Event code 138 (KEY_HELP) Event code 139 (KEY_MENU) Event code 140 (KEY_CALC) Event code 142 (KEY_SLEEP) Event code 144 (KEY_FILE) Event code 150 (KEY_WWW) Event code 152 (KEY_SCREENLOCK) Event code 155 (KEY_MAIL) Event code 156 (KEY_BOOKMARKS) Event code 158 (KEY_BACK) Event code 159 (KEY_FORWARD) Event code 161 (KEY_EJECTCD) Event code 163 (KEY_NEXTSONG) Event code 164 (KEY_PLAYPAUSE) Event code 165 (KEY_PREVIOUSSONG) Event code 166 (KEY_STOPCD) Event code 167 (KEY_RECORD) Event code 168 (KEY_REWIND) Event code 169 (KEY_PHONE) Event code 171 (KEY_CONFIG) Event code 172 (KEY_HOMEPAGE) Event code 173 (KEY_REFRESH) Event code 174 (KEY_EXIT) Event code 176 (KEY_EDIT) Event code 177 (KEY_SCROLLUP) Event code 178 (KEY_SCROLLDOWN) Event code 179 (KEY_KPLEFTPAREN) Event code 180 (KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN) Event code 181 (KEY_NEW) Event code 182 (KEY_REDO) Event code 183 (KEY_F13) Event code 184 (KEY_F14) Event code 185 (KEY_F15) Event code 186 (KEY_F16) Event code 187 (KEY_F17) Event code 188 (KEY_F18) Event code 189 (KEY_F19) Event code 190 (KEY_F20) Event code 191 (KEY_F21) Event code 192 (KEY_F22) Event code 193 (KEY_F23) Event code 194 (KEY_F24) Event code 204 (KEY_DASHBOARD) Event code 206 (KEY_CLOSE) Event code 207 (KEY_PLAY) Event code 208 (KEY_FASTFORWARD) Event code 209 (KEY_BASSBOOST) Event code 210 (KEY_PRINT) Event code 212 (KEY_CAMERA) Event code 216 (KEY_CHAT) Event code 217 (KEY_SEARCH) Event code 219 (KEY_FINANCE) Event code 223 (KEY_CANCEL) Event code 224 (KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN) Event code 225 (KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP) Event code 228 (KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE) Event code 229 (KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN) Event code 230 (KEY_KBDILLUMUP) Event code 231 (KEY_SEND) Event code 232 (KEY_REPLY) Event code 233 (KEY_FORWARDMAIL) Event code 234 (KEY_SAVE) Event code 235 (KEY_DOCUMENTS) Event code 240 (KEY_UNKNOWN) Event code 241 (KEY_VIDEO_NEXT) Event code 244 (KEY_BRIGHTNESS_ZERO) Event code 256 (BTN_0) Event code 353 (KEY_SELECT) Event code 354 (KEY_GOTO) Event code 358 (KEY_INFO) Event code 362 (KEY_PROGRAM) Event code 366 (KEY_PVR) Event code 370 (KEY_SUBTITLE) Event code 372 (KEY_ZOOM) Event code 374 (KEY_KEYBOARD) Event code 375 (KEY_SCREEN) Event code 376 (KEY_PC) Event code 377 (KEY_TV) Event code 378 (KEY_TV2) Event code 379 (KEY_VCR) Event code 380 (KEY_VCR2) Event code 381 (KEY_SAT) Event code 383 (KEY_CD) Event code 384 (KEY_TAPE) Event code 386 (KEY_TUNER) Event code 387 (KEY_PLAYER) Event code 389 (KEY_DVD) Event code 392 (KEY_AUDIO) Event code 393 (KEY_VIDEO) Event code 396 (KEY_MEMO) Event code 397 (KEY_CALENDAR) Event code 398 (KEY_RED) Event code 399 (KEY_GREEN) Event code 400 (KEY_YELLOW) Event code 401 (KEY_BLUE) Event code 402 (KEY_CHANNELUP) Event code 403 (KEY_CHANNELDOWN) Event code 405 (KEY_LAST) Event code 407 (KEY_NEXT) Event code 408 (KEY_RESTART) Event code 409 (KEY_SLOW) Event code 410 (KEY_SHUFFLE) Event code 412 (KEY_PREVIOUS) Event code 416 (KEY_VIDEOPHONE) Event code 417 (KEY_GAMES) Event code 418 (KEY_ZOOMIN) Event code 419 (KEY_ZOOMOUT) Event code 420 (KEY_ZOOMRESET) Event code 421 (KEY_WORDPROCESSOR) Event code 422 (KEY_EDITOR) Event code 423 (KEY_SPREADSHEET) Event code 424 (KEY_GRAPHICSEDITOR) Event code 425 (KEY_PRESENTATION) Event code 426 (KEY_DATABASE) Event code 427 (KEY_NEWS) Event code 428 (KEY_VOICEMAIL) Event code 429 (KEY_ADDRESSBOOK) Event code 430 (KEY_MESSENGER) Event code 431 (KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE) Event code 432 (KEY_SPELLCHECK) Event code 433 (KEY_LOGOFF) Event code 439 (KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT) Event code 442 (KEY_IMAGES) Event code 576 (KEY_BUTTONCONFIG) Event code 577 (KEY_TASKMANAGER) Event code 578 (KEY_JOURNAL) Event code 579 (KEY_CONTROLPANEL) Event code 580 (KEY_APPSELECT) Event code 581 (KEY_SCREENSAVER) Event code 582 (KEY_VOICECOMMAND) Event code 583 (KEY_ASSISTANT) Event code 584 (?) Event code 585 (?) Event code 586 (?) Event code 587 (?) Event code 588 (?) Event code 589 (?) Event code 592 (KEY_BRIGHTNESS_MIN) Event code 593 (KEY_BRIGHTNESS_MAX) Event code 608 (KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_PREV) Event code 609 (KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_NEXT) Event code 610 (KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_PREVGROUP) Event code 611 (KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_NEXTGROUP) Event code 612 (KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_ACCEPT) Event code 613 (KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_CANCEL) Event type 2 (EV_REL) Event code 6 (REL_HWHEEL) Event code 12 (REL_HWHEEL_HI_RES) Event type 3 (EV_ABS) Event code 32 (ABS_VOLUME) Value 0 Min 1 Max 1023 Event type 4 (EV_MSC) Event code 4 (MSC_SCAN) Event type 17 (EV_LED) Event code 0 (LED_NUML) state 0 Event code 1 (LED_CAPSL) state 0 Event code 2 (LED_SCROLLL) state 0 Event code 3 (LED_COMPOSE) state 0 Event code 4 (LED_KANA) state 0 Key repeat handling: Repeat type 20 (EV_REP) Repeat code 0 (REP_DELAY) Value 500 Repeat code 1 (REP_PERIOD) Value 33 Properties: Testing ... (interrupt to exit) *********************************************** This device is grabbed by another process. No events are available to evtest while the other grab is active. In most cases, this is caused by an X driver, try VT-switching and re-run evtest again. Run the following command to see processes with an open fd on this device "fuser -v /dev/input/event3" *********************************************** ^C Livingroom:~ # evtest No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event* Available devices: /dev/input/event0: vc4-hdmi-0 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event1: vc4-hdmi-1 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event2: pwr_button /dev/input/event3: UR02 Keyboard /dev/input/event4: UR02 Mouse Select the device event number [0-4]: 4 Input driver version is 1.0.1 Input device ID: bus 0x5 vendor 0x508 product 0x1980 version 0x0 Input device name: "UR02 Mouse" Supported events: Event type 0 (EV_SYN) Event type 1 (EV_KEY) Event code 272 (BTN_LEFT) Event code 273 (BTN_RIGHT) Event code 274 (BTN_MIDDLE) Event code 275 (BTN_SIDE) Event code 276 (BTN_EXTRA) Event type 2 (EV_REL) Event code 0 (REL_X) Event code 1 (REL_Y) Event code 8 (REL_WHEEL) Event code 11 (REL_WHEEL_HI_RES) Event type 4 (EV_MSC) Event code 4 (MSC_SCAN) Properties: Testing ... (interrupt to exit) *********************************************** This device is grabbed by another process. No events are available to evtest while the other grab is active. In most cases, this is caused by an X driver, try VT-switching and re-run evtest again. Run the following command to see processes with an open fd on this device "fuser -v /dev/input/event4" *********************************************** ^C Livingroom:~ #
I think the key here is:
CodeInput device ID: bus 0x5 vendor 0x508 product 0x1980 version 0x0 AND from "cat /proc/bus/input/devices" S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/misc/uhid/0005:0508:1980.0001/input/input4
...which sort of matches this format;; a bus, a vendor and a product:
But now I'm confused about the keycode part? grep'ing on "enter", I see:
CodeSelect the device event number [0-4]: 3 Event code 28 (KEY_ENTER) Event code 96 (KEY_KPENTER) ^C Livingroom:~ #
So, my theoretical at this point might be:
KEYBOARD_KEY_c0028=enterThe problem is I have a button labeled "OK", but there's no "OK" string in any of this output, soooo... Which keyboard key is it that I'm trying to map to the action "enter"? Sigh - so very close..
When I run evtest to interactively watch my remote input, I keep getting this message and nothing is output:
Code*********************************************** This device is grabbed by another process. No events are available to evtest while the other grab is active. In most cases, this is caused by an X driver, try VT-switching and re-run evtest again. Run the following command to see processes with an open fd on this device "fuser -v /dev/input/event3" ***********************************************
...So I have discovered the device, but now I can't see the key events to nail down the final mapping?
I've been using a Rii-25 wireless remote - it's a piece of crap. I foolishly purchased another one and it, too, is a piece of crap. The issue is horrible keybounce, you simply CANNOT get a key to fire only ONCE - it's always two or ever three times. Like Neil Young sings, "Piece of CRAP!"
So, having a new RPi5 with built in bluetooth capabilities, I took a chance on a simple UGOOS BT Remote Control UR02 from Ali Express.. I figured I could risk $12 US.
I received the remote, I got it to pair, and BINGO - it works - it works and the keys DO NOT BOUNCE.. Happy dance!
The OK key the center of the click wheel doesn't do anything. Well, lets modify that, it will wake Kodi from the screen saver, so I know it WORKS and is sending something, but I can't use it to select menu items. Time to search the forums!
In this thread, 26261-fix-for-xiaomi-bluetooth-remote-with-nonworking-button, there is a description of a fix that includes two lines, an EVDEV identifier (?) string and then a KEYBOARD_KEY remap statement included in one of the init files:
QuoteIn theory, I should be able to use "/storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.system-tools/bin/evtest" or "cat /proc/bus/input/devices" to help me figure out the input device, then remap the code to effect an "enter" action. That's my interpretation at any rate. I reviewed more than one forum entry and this seems like this is a common issue with Blutooth remotes. Some entries refer to this work around and some are just dead threads, but in threads with a solution all the input devices appear to have a unique "evdev:input:$STRING" entry. So how do I find this identifier as it relates to my cheap little remote? (that does NOT suffer keybounce!)
Running evtest doesn't show me anything that looks like my BT remote: (only shows the HDMI and RPi5 power button)
CodeLivingroom:~ # evtest No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event* Available devices: /dev/input/event0: vc4-hdmi-0 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event1: vc4-hdmi-1 HDMI Jack /dev/input/event2: pwr_button Select the device event number [0-2]: ^C Livingroom:~ #
Likewise, viewing /proc/bus/input/devices doesn't reveal anything useful to me: (again, only showing data pertinent to the HDMI ports and the integral RPi5 power switch)
Display MoreLivingroom:~ # cat /proc/bus/input/devices I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000 N: Name="vc4-hdmi-0 HDMI Jack" P: Phys=ALSA S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/soc/107c701400.hdmi/sound/card0/input0 U: Uniq= H: Handlers=event0 B: PROP=0 B: EV=21 B: SW=40 I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000 N: Name="vc4-hdmi-1 HDMI Jack" P: Phys=ALSA S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/soc/107c706400.hdmi/sound/card1/input1 U: Uniq= H: Handlers=event1 B: PROP=0 B: EV=21 B: SW=40 I: Bus=0019 Vendor=0001 Product=0001 Version=0100 N: Name="pwr_button" P: Phys=gpio-keys/input0 S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/pwr_button/input/input2 U: Uniq= H: Handlers=kbd event2 B: PROP=0 B: EV=3 B: KEY=10000000000000 0 Livingroom:~ #
I'm feeling a little lost here... I THINK the work around is right at my finger tips, but for the life of me I can't seem to put it all together.
I wonder if anyone has a clue how I should proceed, SPECIFICALLY, how I determine the "evdev:input:$STRING" that would apply to my bluetooth device.
Thanks so much for any and all input!
YES!! Thank you so much, Popcornmix - the thread referenced and the cure quoted is indeed the fix for my problem!
Display Moreusername@MacBook-Pro ~ % ssh root@livingroom ############################################## # LibreELEC # # # ############################################## LibreELEC (official): 12.0.0 (RPi5.aarch64) Livingroom:~ # cd /flash Livingroom:/flash # mount -o remount,rw /flash Livingroom:/flash # vi cmdline.txt Livingroom:/flash # cat cmdline.txt boot=UUID=2504-0815 disk=UUID=9f7b1397-4586-452d-a897-b3f9f95035f5 quiet console=ttyAMA10,115200 console=tty0 vc4.force_hotplug=1 Livingroom:/flash # reboot Livingroom:/flash # Connection to livingroom closed by remote host. Connection to livingroom closed. username@MacBook-Pro ~ %
I can now confirm I can power off my TV/Receiver without, leaving the RPi5 media player on and it does NOT force a power back on..
My home automation "scenes" that turn the TV off are working again.
Thank you so much - I'm embarrassed my search of the thread base didn't turn that up - apparently my search-foo is quite weak!
Hello all!
I have recently upgraded all my RPi3 media players (running LE 9.2.8) to RPi5/LE 12.0.0 stable..
My living room is very typical: Vizio M50-C1 (ARC HDMI) <-> Denon AVR-s720w <-> RPi5 (HDMI 0)
What USED to happen was something like: It's late, I'm going to bed, use Vizio remote to power off TV, which powered off the Denon receiver and left the RPi3/LE 9.2.8 media player on.. This is perfect behavior for my use as the CEC driver let me use the TV remote to run things and left the RPi on all the time.
But now, after the upgrade, the first thing that caught me by surprise was I couldn't reboot the PRi5 without powering down the chain of devices, which then brought the RPi5 up in headless mode because it couldn't see anything as it had just powered them all off.. I investigated the default CEC settings, adjusted a few and that problem no longer occurs... BUT.. (there's always a 'but', right?)
Now, when I power off the TV and get up to go to bed, the TV/Receiver is coming back on again after about 15 seconds. I cannot for the life of me see a CEC setting that might cause this behavior.. I can manually use the RPi5 power button to power it down, then power off the TV/receiver, but then when I want to power up I have to physically reach out (or get up and walk over to, which is a challenge as I'm crippled) and physically power on the RPi5.
I have confirmed that the CEC driver is at the root - if I disable it, I can power off the TV/Receiver and the RPi5 stays on, which is my desired state. But I'd really like to be able to use the TV remote to drive everything as it's a pretty nice remote. (backside keyboard/back lighting and the like)..
Can someone suggest a CEC setting that might be behind this behavior that I can adjust to be able to power off the TV/Receiver without the PRi5/CEC detecting this and powering it all back on again without any input from me?
Thanks so much for your thoughts - this forum has been incredibly useful (I did a search on this, by the way!) and always seems so responsive..
OH, I'm sorry - the current CEC setting might be useful, right?
Current settings:
Display MoreSwitch source to this device on startup: ON Remote Button release time: 0 Remote Button repeate rate: 0 HDMI Port number: 1 Power devices in standby dureing screen saver: OFF Wake devices when deactivating screen saver: OFF Connected to HDMI device: AMPLIFIER/AVR DEVICE CEC client device mode: PLAYBACK DEVICE Remote Button press delay before repeating: 300 Enabled: ON (off to test this is whats powering everything back on!) action when switching to another source: STOP PLAYBACK Physical Address: 1300 Force AVR to wakeup when Kodi is activated: OFF send "inactive source" command on shutdown: OFF Devices to power off during shutdown: NONE When TV is switched off: IGNORE Devices to also up in standby mode: OFF Use the TV's Language: OFF Devices to power on during startup: NONE
Hi CvH!
Uhm - I THINK I upgraded that 9.2 unit to LE12, and suspect that as a result the logs are toast? Let me look around and see if I can confirm that.. I already dedicated the RPi3 HW to a new task, but I should have another one around here someplace..
VERY happy to help - I'm sure I can re-create a LE9.2.8 instance and run it through a few addon installs and ship you the logs.
I'm sort of questioning your logic - I had clearly multiple installs all not working, then after a router reboot, ALL started working, which REALLY implies the issue was here local to me. At least it would appear that way on the surface.
I will admit that after I "got it working", I ended up with four LE12 instances that I was hitting the repositories pretty hard, and I'm certain in one case I had troubles till the next morning, which supports your "rate limit by IP" statement..
I should note that I have a business class ISP with a fixed IP to support postfix.. So I get the same outward facing IP address every time and it hasn't changed in man years.
Give me a bit to rummage around and I'll see what I can send you..
Update.. Okay, in a fit of desperation, I rebooted my router. At least some repositories are now working again..
Why? Not the slightest clue in the world.. My HINT was reviewing the logs and seeing that Kodi was making requests from high number ports vs. just straight from secure http on 443.. Was my router somehow bungling these high port requests? Apparently..
so, I guess close this thread as 'solved'...
Hello, back at this today and am MORE CONFUSED THAN EVER..
I have tried the following matrix:
HW LE vers Kodi LE
----- --------- ---- ---
RPi 5 LE 12.0.0 yes no
PRi 5 LE 11.0.6 no no
RPi 3 LE 9.2.8 yes ?? Can see LE repository packages, can't install any?
RPi 3 LE 10.0.4 no noThe RPi3 LE v9.2.8 is my existing livingroom media player - working fine AT ONE POINT.. I can tell that because it has a cache of LibreElec repository entries, but when I try to install one, most specifically Network Tools, the install fails.
So.. I have multiple different pieces of hardware, running multiple existing and newly flashed LE versions and NONE OF THEM can get to the LibreElec addon repository..
I'm at the end of my rope - I have disabled my PiHole server, but I can't see that was EVER an issue as it's just a DNS resolver and we can tell from the existing logs that DNS resolution is not the problem - I can resolve the IP address of the repositories just fine.
So what could possibly be going on here? There's nothing special about my router - A Mikrotik RB951. I'm using non-tagged (no vlans) direct Ethernet connections (multiple drops).. Why am I having issues installing packages from the official repositories?
The fact that my existing installs had cached lists of packages to install shows that it USED to work?
Okay, sorry for the confusion there - i just power cycled, changed HDMI ports and reran - same results:
Display More[username:~] 2m56s 255 % ssh [email protected] ############################################## # LibreELEC # # # ############################################## LibreELEC (official): 12.0.0 (RPi5.aarch64) Livingroom:~ # curl -vvv | paste % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Host was resolved. * IPv6: (none) * IPv4: * Trying 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:03 --:--:-- 0* connect to port 443 from port 45494 failed: Connection refused * Failed to connect to port 443 after 3242 ms: Couldn't connect to server 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:03 --:--:-- 0 * Closing connection curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443 after 3242 ms: Couldn't connect to server invalid file sizeLivingroom:~ #
getting late for me - need to eat and get some sleep - will revisit this thread tomorrow..
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the troubleshooting hints, I really appreciate the time and support!
This looks relevant:
2024-06-23 21:22:29.006 T:1175 error <general>: CRepository: failed read ''
I do have pihole running in my home, but I checked the logs there and was and is allowed to resolve.. WHich I can verify with dig:
Display More[username:~] % dig |grep add ; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> ; IN A 300 IN A [username:~]% ping PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=37 time=163.784 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=37 time=162.754 ms ^C --- ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 162.754/163.269/163.784/0.515 ms [username:~] 2s %
When I try just pointing my browser at it, I get nothing back..
Display More2024-06-23 21:22:28.818 T:1163 debug <general>: ParentPath = [addons://repos/] 2024-06-23 21:22:28.818 T:1335 debug <general>: Thread waiting start, auto delete: false 2024-06-23 21:22:28.819 T:1335 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase: SELECT FROM repo .. took 0 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:28.819 T:1335 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase: no valid repository matching '' 2024-06-23 21:22:28.819 T:1175 debug <general>: CRepositoryUpdateJob[] checking for updates. 2024-06-23 21:22:28.820 T:1175 debug <general>: CurlFile::Open - <> 2024-06-23 21:22:28.820 T:1175 debug <general>: easy_acquire - Created session to 2024-06-23 21:22:28.918 T:1163 debug <general>: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------ 2024-06-23 21:22:29.006 T:1175 error <general>: CCurlFile::CReadState::FillBuffer - (0x7fff60dd4ee0) Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) 2024-06-23 21:22:29.006 T:1175 error <general>: CCurlFile::Open - <> Failed with code 0: 2024-06-23 21:22:29.006 T:1175 error <general>: CRepository: failed read '' 2024-06-23 21:22:29.021 T:1175 debug <general>: CRepositoryUpdater: done. 2024-06-23 21:22:29.021 T:1335 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase: SELECT FROM repo .. took 0 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.021 T:1335 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase: no valid repository matching '' 2024-06-23 21:22:29.022 T:1175 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase: SELECT FROM repo .. took 0 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.026 T:1175 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase: query SELECT addons.*, repo.addonID AS repoID FROM addons JOIN addonlinkrepo ON JOIN repo ON WHERE addonlinkrepo.idRepo IN (1) ORDER BY repo.addonID, addons.addonID returned 760 rows in 4 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.037 T:1163 debug <general>: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------ 2024-06-23 21:22:29.061 T:1175 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase::GetAddons took 39 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.065 T:1175 debug <general>: CAddonMgr::GetAvailableUpdatesOrOutdatedAddons took 44 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.071 T:1175 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase: SELECT FROM repo .. took 0 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.074 T:1175 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase: query SELECT addons.*, repo.addonID AS repoID FROM addons JOIN addonlinkrepo ON JOIN repo ON WHERE addonlinkrepo.idRepo IN (1) ORDER BY repo.addonID, addons.addonID returned 760 rows in 3 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.097 T:1175 debug <general>: CAddonDatabase::GetAddons took 26 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.100 T:1175 debug <general>: CAddonMgr::GetAvailableUpdatesOrOutdatedAddons took 29 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.105 T:1183 debug <general>: Thread Timer 140735097270016 terminating 2024-06-23 21:22:29.106 T:1175 debug <general>: CRepositoryUpdater: closest next update check at 06/23/2024 10:22:29 PM (in 3600 s) 2024-06-23 21:22:29.106 T:1175 debug <general>: CRepositoryUpdater: checking in 3600000 ms 2024-06-23 21:22:29.106 T:1337 debug <general>: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false 2024-06-23 21:22:29.119 T:1163 warning <general>: CGUIMediaWindow::OnMessage - updating in progress 2024-06-23 21:22:31.986 T:1168 debug <general>: CLibInputKeyboard::ProcessKey - using delay: 500ms repeat: 33ms 2024-06-23 21:22:31.986 T:1338 debug <general>: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false 2024-06-23 21:22:31.988 T:1163 debug <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x0d, unicode: 0x0d, modifier: 0x0 2024-06-23 21:22:32.122 T:1338 debug <general>: Thread Timer 140733539610368 terminating 2024-06-23 21:22:32.138 T:1163 debug <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x0d, unicode: 0x0d, modifier: 0x0 2024-06-23 21:22:32.138 T:1163 debug <general>: HandleKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, window 12002, action is Select 2024-06-23 21:22:32.372 T:1163 debug <general>: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------ 2024-06-23 21:22:32.389 T:1335 error <general>: GetDirectory - Error getting addons:// 2024-06-23 21:22:32.389 T:1335 debug <general>: Thread waiting 140733048041216 terminating 2024-06-23 21:22:32.405 T:1163 debug <general>: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------ 2024-06-23 21:22:32.405 T:1163 error <general>: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(addons:// failed 2024-06-23 21:22:32.405 T:1163 debug <general>: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://repos/) 2024-06-23 21:22:32.405 T:1163 debug <general>: ParentPath = [addons://] 2024-06-23 21:22:32.405 T:1339 debug <general>: Thread waiting start, auto delete: false 2024-06-23 21:22:32.406 T:1339 debug <general>: Thread waiting 140733048041216 terminating 2024-06-23 21:22:32.407 T:1340 debug <general>: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false 2024-06-23 21:22:32.407 T:1163 debug <general>: [threads] name: 'BackgroundLoader' priority: '1' 2024-06-23 21:22:32.407 T:1340 debug <general>: Thread BackgroundLoader 140733067210496 terminating 2024-06-23 21:22:33.723 T:1168 debug <general>: CLibInputKeyboard::ProcessKey - using delay: 500ms repeat: 33ms 2024-06-23 21:22:33.723 T:1341 debug <general>: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false 2024-06-23 21:22:33.733 T:1163 debug <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1, sym: 0x1b, unicode: 0x1b, modifier: 0x0 2024-06-23 21:22:33.891 T:1341 debug <general>: Thread Timer 140733539610368 terminating 2024-06-23 21:22:33.898 T:1163 debug <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1, sym: 0x1b, unicode: 0x1b, modifier: 0x0 2024-06-23 21:22:33.898 T:1163 debug <general>: HandleKey: escape (0xf01b) pressed, window 10040, action is PreviousMenu 2024-06-23 21:22:33.898 T:1163 debug <general>: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate 2024-06-23 21:22:34.191 T:1163 debug <general>: ------ Window Deinit (AddonBrowser.xml) ------ 2024-06-23 21:22:34.191 T:1163 debug <general>: FreeVisualisation() done 2024-06-23 21:22:34.207 T:1163 debug <general>: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new 2024-06-23 21:22:34.207 T:1163 debug <general>: ------ Window Init (Settings.xml) ------ 2024-06-23 21:22:34.836 T:1168 debug <general>: CLibInputKeyboard::ProcessKey - using delay: 500ms repeat: 33ms 2024-06-23 21:22:34.836 T:1342 debug <general>: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false 2024-06-23 21:22:34.841 T:1163 debug <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1, sym: 0x1b, unicode: 0x1b, modifier: 0x0 2024-06-23 21:22:35.021 T:1342 debug <general>: Thread Timer 140733539610368 terminating 2024-06-23 21:22:35.024 T:1163 debug <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1, sym: 0x1b, unicode: 0x1b, modifier: 0x0 2024-06-23 21:22:35.024 T:1163 debug <general>: HandleKey: escape (0xf01b) pressed, window 10004, action is PreviousMenu 2024-06-23 21:22:35.024 T:1163 debug <general>: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate 2024-06-23 21:22:35.342 T:1163 debug <general>: ------ Window Deinit (Settings.xml) ------ 2024-06-23 21:22:35.342 T:1163 debug <general>: FreeVisualisation() done 2024-06-23 21:22:35.358 T:1163 debug <general>: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
Oh, thanks for the HDMI hint! Totally new to the RPi5!
Display More[username:~] 2s % curl -vvv | paste usage: paste [-s] [-d delimiters] file ... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Trying * connect to port 443 failed: Connection refused * Failed to connect to port 443 after 179 ms: Couldn't connect to server 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 * Closing connection curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443 after 179 ms: Couldn't connect to server [usernmame:~] 1 %
Oh, woops! going too fast - missed the MUST RUN from LE device! Give me a moment...
Display Moreusername:~] 1 % ssh [email protected] ############################################## # LibreELEC # # # ############################################## LibreELEC (official): 12.0.0 (RPi5.aarch64) Livingroom:~ # curl -vvv | paste % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Host was resolved. * IPv6: (none) * IPv4: * Trying * connect to port 443 from port 54058 failed: Connection refused * Failed to connect to port 443 after 191 ms: Couldn't connect to server 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 * Closing connection curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443 after 191 ms: Couldn't connect to server invalid file sizeLivingroom:~ #
Hi, Chewitt! is what I got.. I haven't had time to sift it - pretty copious output!
Oh, short update - I can get to skins now - that must have been about getting all my regional stuff set correctly, but still no luck with the LE repository..
I'm the proud new owner of a RPi5 configured with a small NVMe SSD running LE 12.0.0 freshly downloaded from the 'stable' downloads page.. I'm attempting to upgrade from a RPi3 and LE 9..
I use the network tools AddOn, specifically rsync to update my media library from my master store..
I've looked at the thread Add-On Repository Problems 2024/03 post that seems to be pinned, and describes my problem, but I can't seem to find a fix that applies to my situation.
Fresh install, NTP working fine, date looks good, DNS seems okay, other AddOns working okay, wired Ethernet network. Well, I was surprised I can't find any additional skins as well? I was sort of excited to try some of the more complicated skins that somewhat bog down an PRi3/flash config, but I'm not certain that's related to the missing LE repository..
Should I perhaps try rolling back to LE 11?
Thanks so much!
I just de-installed a 12TB disk and replaced it with a 20TB disk. I can apply an ext4 filesystem on it, but I cannot mount it and LibreElec is not automounting as I expected.
Have I hit a 32bit architecture limitation?
I thought, well, perhaps if I partition it, but all attempts at using parted to manually create labels and partitions have utterly failed..
I have two of these sort of "all in one" systems, a case, SATA controller, and big SATA disk with a RPi3 - I have one for SURE that is working with a 16TB disk without issue.. I just sort of assumed that an increment to 20TB under ext4 would be just as straight forward?
Geekworm X832-C1 Metal Case Compatible with Raspberry Pi 4 & X832 V1.2 3.5" SATA Storage Board & X735 Power Management Board (Not Support X832 V1.0/X835)This is a Geekworm deisgn metal case with latching power control switch and super mute 4010 cooling fan for Raspberry Pi 4 , X835 3.5" SATA Storage Board and… ideas?
Display MoreTrailerTrash:/var/media/foo # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda mke2fs 1.45.3 (14-Jul-2019) /dev/sda contains a ext4 file system created on Tue Nov 8 21:51:12 2022 Proceed anyway? (y,N) y Creating filesystem with 4882956288 4k blocks and 305184768 inodes Filesystem UUID: 4266251d-b844-4777-97a4-64fb56440636 Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208, 4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872, 71663616, 78675968, 102400000, 214990848, 512000000, 550731776, 644972544, 1934917632, 2560000000, 3855122432 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (262144 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done TrailerTrash:/var/media/foo # TrailerTrash:/var/media/foo # cd .. TrailerTrash:/var/media # mount /dev/sda /media/foo/ mount: mounting /dev/sda on /media/foo/ failed: Invalid argument TrailerTrash:/var/media # reboot TrailerTrash:/var/media # Connection to trailertrash closed by remote host. Connection to trailertrash closed. TrailerTrash:/ # file /dev/sda /dev/sda: block special (8/0) TrailerTrash:/ # parted GNU Parted 3.4 Using /dev/sda Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands. (parted) print print Model: ASMT 2115 (scsi) Disk /dev/sda: 20.0TB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B Partition Table: loop Disk Flags: Number Start End Size File system Flags 1 0.00B 20.0TB 20.0TB ext4 (parted) q q TrailerTrash:/ # TrailerTrash:/ # mkdir /var/media/foo TrailerTrash:/ # mount /dev/sda /var/media/foo mount: mounting /dev/sda on /var/media/foo failed: Invalid argument TrailerTrash:/ #
And, now that I've upgraded from 9.2.8 to 10.0.3, I can't relable the drive as mkfs.ext4 thinks the drive is mounted, which it is not..
CodeTrailerTrash:~ # mkfs.ext4 -F -I 128 -i 67108864 /dev/sda mke2fs 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020) /dev/sda is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here! TrailerTrash:~ # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda mke2fs 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020) /dev/sda is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here! TrailerTrash:~ #
I am utterly baffled at this point. The upgrade to 10.0.3 broke my ability to, say, jack with number of inodes or up the block size to perhaps bring things back within limits..
Thanks for any thoughts!
Hello all!
I purchased a ROCKpro64, one of their handy NAS cases and a PCIe SATA card.
Combining all of the above results in a very expensive SBC that can't see the SATA disk. I found a vague reference to the stock PCIe card being contentious, so I replaced that, but no go - same symptoms.
The hardware WORKS - when I load up, say, Ubuntu, there is a 9.1TB /dev/sda that I can and did newfs without issues.
But LibreElec (multiple builds for the ROCKpro64) all refuse to see the SATA disk.
I'd just use a USB to SATA converter, but there are no INTERNAL USB ports and I don't want an external cluster **** of cables - that was the ENTIRE point of this exercise - a SINGLE box with all my media that works off of 12VDC for my RV like thing far away from the clutches of the internet..
The output of:
... can be found here: libreelec_sata_missing -
My sincere thanks for any thoughts about why this device which SEEMS very nice on paper isn't working the way I would expect it too?