Posts by willyfan

    Sanning fail but tuner is working in some way. I noticed that every time I restart the KII I found more service in the network . It add a mux time by time, may be one mux every restart. But service are not mapped in channel. I tried to "map service" manually (map all service) and channel is added to the list, and also in kodi.
    But... if I click on the channel on kodi, the stream don't start (no signal) until I open the channel from web interface with look TV. Actually I have 148 Service, 94 channel but only a few are working (and only with matroska stream profile)

    In my case, I have a dvb-t2 usb dongle (Mygica T203) which I can scan and configure successfully on other LibreELEC system. I copy that config folder and paste it to K2 pro's LibreELEC. But I have to go enable k2 pro tuner again in web interface (because the config file is set to Mygica tuner.)

    Understand. But it is crazy... So, the Scan DON'T work ...
    Now, I'm in front on web interface of Tvheadend, I see sometimes some MUX with service (service from 0 now is 83), but not Channel mapping! And The system is not scanning. I don't understand what happen, but for sure there is some work to do in order to have a system easily working.
    I tried to add manually some channel, seems work (EPG have info) but in Kodi I have no signal

    If you scan and fail (like I did), you may try copy and paste tvheadend config folder from other system that you successfully scan and go to web interface to enable the k2 pro tuner again.

    This works for me.

    I haven't an other system working. Were can i found It? What you mean?
    Please, please, please explain better how install or upgrade this build. I have a lot of problem. I'm sure that I'm not a expert, but I hope that also a not expert can use this.
    What mean that it don't need device tree? I updated from a kszaq build, and obviusly I had on my SD card the kszaq device tree (dtb.img). After udate, with this device tree, the libreelec don't start. I deleted it, the system without device tree start, but the tuner don't work, wireless is ok and wired network is slow.
    So, I tried to download from this 3D the k2pro.dtb (renamed on SD) and I can see the tuner, but scan don't work.
    I tried also the last LibreELEC-Amlogic.aarch64-KII_Pro- . I trid to delete device treee before update, but non new dbt.img are created on SD, and tuner don't work.
    So, please post a little GUIDE for DUMMIES like me...

    Upgrade: I tried a lot of time with Tvheadend. I'm unable to have a correct scan. I tried to do manual input, automatic and so on, but every time I have a FAIL scan result.
    During Scan, in "status" I can see good signal for many MUX b ut despite this no service are found. If someone (also with differents backend) have better results please let me know.

    Don't change anything in SD card, there is all included. Don't replace dtb.img !!!!!
    kszaq's dtb is for new kernel and in my build is old kernel.

    I replaced dtb.img with the one found in this 3d, because kszaq told me this some post before. Anyway, the tuner seem work but scan fail.
    During scan I can see the signal for all mux in status tab, but no service. May be is a tvheadend problem?

    William Fanelli

    Someone can do a guide for setup KODI with DVB-T? I installed the build on my KII, and I deleted the device tree (may be this is wrong?).
    LibreElec start and work, but connection tab is very slow.
    But I'm unable to see TV and internal tuner. I trid to install Tvheadend, but I don't see nothing under TV Adapters, in Configuration tab.
    Someone can help me?

    EDIT: I downloaded the device tree, now Ican see the tuner, But scan don't work....

    kostaman  willyfan I uploaded updated device trees to downloads folder. As your devices have 2GB RAM, please try gxbb_p200_2G_100M_RealtekWiFi.dtb

    To be clear: if you run from SD card, it is enough to download the device tree, rename it to dtb.img and copy to your SD card. No toothpick magic necessary.

    Ok, now all is working. I tried also multichannel audio, and it work well. Very GOOD!!!

    @ kostaman: My KII pro have 4 SIDE USB ports and no USB ports back. In your post you speak about BACK USB port, but I don't have it in my box. But your box is different.
    I tried all USB port, and only one don't work (with new device tree). With old device tree, used for 006 build, the USB working is only one and is the USB that don't work with new device tree.

    Installed on KII pro: no problem for upgrade, but now only one USB ( I have 4 USB) is working!! With 006 all 4 USB was working. I tried with hard disk and with a keyboard, always only one USB work.
    I don't changed my device tree because you wrote "this is not needed if everything worked for you at", it's correct?
    Now I go for downgrade at 006.
    [EDIT] Dear Kszaq, the build that work on my box (LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20160830160706-r23311-g51fe9ae.img.gz) is not available for download. This build don't work (USB problem) where can I download the old version?
    [EDIT2] In the meantime, I tried to change the device tree because I noticed that the new one is different.
    Now, 3 USB ports are working, and one not working.
    The strange is that the only USB that not working is the same that before, with old device tree, was the only working!!

    Thanks willyfan. Once LE is restarted do I pull the SD card and copy my Beelink M18 dtb.img on it?
    Moot point, the download keeps stalling. I cleared the part download with rm and the files name.

    you don't need to pull the SD card. If you download the image with putty, you already have the image on sd, in the . Update folder.
    When you restart, update start in automatic. When finish, the system restart.
    If download don't work maybe you have some internet issue.

    William Fanelli

    For upgrade on SD:
    go in LibreElec settings, and note the IP address. You need a net connection, if wifi don't work you can use wire.
    Connect to LibreElec with PC using PuTTY (putty.exe :, put in host name or IP address your IP.
    at login, user is "root" and passwd is "libreelec"

    when connected, go in .update folder with command "cd .update"
    download the image with command "wget LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20160830160706-r23311-g51fe9ae.img.gz"
    in red the link at the image, it can be different in the future and/or for others box...
    when downloaded, restart LibreElec, and wait.

    Videostrong have 2 box together in their alibaba account more than mounth(hxxps:// I get my box from it in China with my friend in China. Also when i brick my box i ask him to firmware and receive firmware for K2 pro combo from it.

    Yes, but if you look with more attention, you can see that the KII is not our KII pro. I know that KII and it is WITHOUT DVB. That kII is present also on their website, our KII is not present.
    And it have another cpu:
    KII pro is a new product, I found now info about it: VideoStrong KII Pro Android Set-top Box with DVB-T2 & DVB-S2 Tuners Comes with 2GB RAM

    @ willyfan, DVB tuner inside is like K1 TV box, just new revision, 2 chipp inside is same, so, i think driver need to work for K1 and K2 TV box together.
    There, in my post can see box inside.

    I hope you are right. But on the VIDEOSTRONG site you can find the K1 TV box but NOT KII pro (there are a KII but is different, no DBV).
    So, I guess that kII pro is built from another company that use the similar name and logo. Maybe chips are the same, maybe not. I hope it is the same...

    Sorry, some internal testing leftovers.

    Here's a build that should have it all working: LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20160830160706-r23311-g51fe9ae.img.gz

    Upgraded, now is ok. All is working. Thank you!

    Now, I and my friends with same box wait only for internal DVB support. Something told me that is not so simple. I know that you asked for driver, but the company you ask not build our box, burt similar boxes... I can only hope that driver is the same.
    Many thanks anyway. In only 2 week I solved the bigger problem on my box, the audio drops, and for TV I restart from nand, withh android, until we have full support of DVB-T and DVB-S.