Hi m0123,
For me it is not necessary.
The system based on kernel 4.4 is stable for my needs.
I will use LE 10 with the mainline kernel if the rk3399 support is stable.
Hi m0123,
For me it is not necessary.
The system based on kernel 4.4 is stable for my needs.
I will use LE 10 with the mainline kernel if the rk3399 support is stable.
try to build your own with this patch:
This Patch is compatible with current dev-4.4 Rockchip Kernel.
look for a suitable northbridge cooler, it is noiseless.
hi mo123,
i have now integrated the Rockchip change for the Rockpi4 device tree.
But do not know exactly whether the problem could be.
Here is the dtb file.
Hi mo123,
here is a new release:
retroarch is disabled.
Nanao-pc t4 Display Port is disabled in device tree
Greetings Jörn
Hi MrThreepwood,
I use a shell script to check the dyndns adress.
replace the *variable* with your values.
script is called in autostart.sh:
nohup /storage/.config/checkDynDns.sh &
while true
sleep 60
check=`ping -c 1 *IP.Adr.wg0.peer* > /dev/null; echo $?`
if [ $check != 0 ]; then
currentIP=$(wg show wg0 endpoints | grep *PublicKeyPeer* | grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}")
checkIP=$(nslookup *dyndns.adr.peer* | grep -i address | tail -n 1 | grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}")
if [ $currentIP != $checkIP ]; then
if [ -n $checkIP ]; then
wg set wg0 peer *PublicKeyPeer* endpoint "$checkIP:51820"
Display More
hi zeus24,
with the nano-pc t4 pass-through works via HDMI
zeus24 hi, which device tree is used? rk3399-rockpro64.dtb?
I'll do hdmi passthrough test with HEVC on Nano-pc t4
Hi myrkle,
I have added the missing alsa config files. The audio jack output works now.
Release Some updates, some fixes · Joern-P/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub
try manually fresh installation on the device:
- boot libreelec from sd card.
- make a libreelec backup.
- copy libreelec backup
- copy the image file to libreelec, for example in the path Downloads..
- ssh session to libreelec
- use parted /dev/your_emmc (print ;to look partitions, rm #number; to delete all partitions on emmc; possibly umount emmc partitions)
- go to path download
- dd if=LibreELEC-RK3399.arm-9.1.502-rockpro64.img of=/dev/your_emmc bs=1M && sync
- remove sd and reboot
- if it worked, restore backup
I have implemented a newer kernel 4.4 version for the libreelec 9.2 branch.
with the new kernel and the removal of the linux-1000-pl330.patch the sound disturbances over hdmi are eliminated.
tried it out:
Releases · Joern-P/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub
Only tested for the nanopc-t4.
I've managed to get HDMI CEC running with your image and DTB from Joern-p's image, but then the sound doesn't work.
Hi jtosic,
the device tree depends on the kernel. The kernel in my build is that of friendlyarm 4.4.179 (original for nano-pc t4).
The sound works with this kernel.
Hi JerryPenguin,
Everything is supported.
I don't know if 4k resolution works. Do not have a 4k screen.
Hi Guys,
use my nanopc-t4 with custom libreelec 9.2 friendlyarm kernel build.
Is very stable. If interested, here is the link: