Posts by d-pv

    I am using mni-PC with LibreELEC 18.9 system. The computer is connected via LAN and has a built-in Wi-FI card on board. The place where the PC is installed is poorly covered by the radio signal of the router and the LE-based access point solves this problem, but ... only partially.

    AP mode always uses only the first channel and only the "g" mode at 2.4 GHz. This channel and frequency is very noisy from neighboring signals, and the "g" mode limits the connection speed. The built-in card can do more and here's the question:

    By what means can another channel be activated in LE?

    How to enable "n" mode (HT, VHT)?

    How to resolve 5 GHz/802.11ac frequency?

    For example, this sequence of commands does not bring the expected result:

    :~ # ip link set wlan0 down; iw --debug dev wlan0 set channel 9 HT20; iw wlan0 info; ip link set wlan0 up; sleep 2; iw wlan0 info
    Additional Information:

    Thanks for your work!

    Hello. I run Orange Pi PC Plus on the assembly "LibreELEC-H3.arm-9.80-nightly-20190920-77a2119-orangepi-pc-plus.img". The problem that I describe was identified at earlier assemblies, but I was not up to it.

    My OPi cannot connect to the Samba server, while the other two devices from Intel with LibreELEC do it without problems. To connect and use the same settings for them, but the result is not the same.

    Here I wanted to take a screenshot, but it turned out that my OPi always creates a picture without an image: a 6kb .png file and a black screen inside is blank. I ask you to consider this as another mistake.

    I bring the screen settings from another PC, because they are the same, as I said.

    Display Spoiler

    Mounting occurs with the help of Unit:

    Of course, the folder "/storage/Z" exists, the rights "rwx rwx rwx" are set, and the user is set on the server.

    If you set the command from the terminal:

    However, the test mount gives an error:

    OPi:~ #  mount -t cifs -o username=OPi,password=libreelec,vers=1.0 // /storage/Z
    mount: mounting // on /storage/Z failed: No such device

    If you execute this command on an Intel device, then I get success.

    I ask for help. Ready at your request to provide more information.