I need to create a stand alone streaming device to take the h264 IP camera output, decode it so that I can change the image window ( zoom in 50% ), encode it back to h264 while adding an external audio stream and feed it to Facebook in real time. I need an OS that offers the minimum CPU overhead and is geared to taking advantage of hardware decoding using ffmpeg. I tried the Rock Pi4 B 2GB with it's claim of high speed and was very disappointed. It performed in this function, sadly, not any better than a RPi3B+. I was also disappointed by their lack of quality. I couldn't get any of the operating systems to fully function with alsa and the pulseaudio services. (Didn't try LE's port for the Rock) Also, their uSD card slot was very shallow and sloppy. It's easy to destroy the uSD card while using their device. I just ordered a Raspberry Pi4 B 2GB unit and I will try again.
Ultimately, how would you-all think about LibreELEC measuring up to the other 64 bit OSs for this purpose?