Posts by jonesthefox

    Hi ;)

    Bei meinem samsung bravia A1 (kd-55a1t) unterstützen nur hdmi port 2 & 3 deep color, 4:4:4 usw. Probier mal die anderen ports, evtl. musst du dazu noch irgendwas in den einstellungen deines fernsehers aktivieren..


    For non german speaking users:

    he gets only 30hz output, even though he sets the appropriate setting in config.txt.

    I told him, that my bravia a1 only supports 4:4:4 on hdmi ports 2 and 3, and that he probably has to activate some setting for deep color in his tv, depending on his model.

    Indeed, this is an english forum and so on, but we are a very nice and helpful community, aren't we? :)