On a Raspberry Pi3B I'm using LibreELEC (Leia) 9.0.2 MR. (Kodi v18)
I have connected an OLED Module DEP 16201-Y (2*16 Character) using an I2C interface board and the HD44780 driver.
Installed are Raspberry Pi-Tools 9.0.106, XBMC LCDProc 3.0.5 and LCDproc 9.0.107. Everything works very well with one minor exception…….
After a warm reboot, the screen shows either the bottom and top lines swapped or it shows this:
After a cold reboot however everything is fine.
I tried "Model = winstar_oled" in LCDd.conf, but that makes no difference.
The Pollin Website says that the OLED Module DEP 16201-Y (2*16 Character) is HD44780 respectively SSD1311 compatibel.
LCDd.conf does not offer SSD1311. 
Any ideas?
P.S. thanks for the great work!