Posts by oneilldave

    Hi All,

    I'm hoping this will be quite straightforward - it there's a thread with this on I couldn't find it nor could I see anyway to search on keywords.


    I have setup my RPi4 as a media server but it does not show up on my network as a device. It is running the KODI JeOS. I have an external 2TB USB disk attached which js mounted, and a music library setup that KODI recognises, which is available using my the main console. But on the network? No.

    Diagnostic info

    1. RPi4 is on the same (wireless) network as all other devices, is using DHCP and I can ping this successfully.

    2. RPi4 is available via a Win10 laptop using powershell, so it is working and visible on the network.

    3. OS: LibreELEC (official): 9.1.001 (kernel: Linux 4.19.50)

    4. Media device that will access the RPi4 will be a smart TV and/or a Denon Amp, both of which see my other media server (Seagate) but not the new RPi4.

    Thanks in advance,


    (Sorry, this was originally posted in the General Discussion forum in error - I will delete that thread to remove duplicates)

    Hi All,

    I'm hoping this will be quite straightforward - it there's a thread with this on I couldn't find it nor could I see anyway to search on keywords.


    I have setup my RPi4 as a media server but it does not show up on my network as a device. It is running the KODI JeOS. I have an external 2TB USB disk attached which js mounted, and a music library setup that KODI recognises, which is available using my the main console. But on the network? No.

    Diagnostic info

    1. RPi4 is on the same (wireless) network as all other devices, is using DHCP and I can ping this successfully.

    2. RPi4 is available via a Win10 laptop using powershell, so it is working and visible on the network.

    3. OS: LibreELEC (official): 9.1.001 (kernel: Linux 4.19.50)

    4. Media device that will access the RPi4 will be a smart TV and/or a Denon Amp, both of which see my other media server (Seagate) but not the new RPi4.

    Thanks in advance,
