Posts by mrGray


    For several evenings I can’t adjust the hyperion ... bunch: raspberry + arduino nano + ws2812b. install according to the instructions. Arduino flashing through usbasp. the speed is the same in the firmware and in the configuration file: 500000. I tried to install it on libelek starting from 9.0.0, the same situation everywhere: when the system starts, the RGB lights up sequentially, then the welcome rainbow of the hyperion and that's it, stop burning. but it can be controlled from the phone, and through the hypercon in the colorpicker section: I turn the slider - the colors change, but in the code itself it does not want to glow when video images start up and so on. everything is in order in the processes, logfiles are also in order. however, what is lacking for him, but what?

    before that, everything was set up on the x86 / 64 platform half a year ago, though it also could not be without torment, but it worked, now I’ve got a raspberry and I want to run libreelek with hyperion on it, but I don’t know what’s the matter anymore, please help with this problem, in advance grateful