I think I figured out what was going on after reading several old threads. First the originally created login was not working for access and the second was combination of a bad install and drive permissions. Here is what I did to resolve the problems:
The first thing I did was start over with a fresh install of libreELEC (Kodi 18.3 LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.1.002.img.gz) on the H2. I decided to go with 9.1002 rather than the 9.0.2. I reinstalled the backend of Tvheadend and configured without issue. Then I setup the front end client and entered my user name and password. Access failed again and I got the same error messages as before. I went back into the backend via web config and created a new user this way:
configuration > users > passwords > new user "name" / new password > save
configuration > users > access entries > add > new user "new name from above" / under "change perimeters" I checked everything / Streaming and Recording - checked HTSP only > save
Then I went back into the front end HTSP client and changed the user name and password to the new one I created above.
The front end started working and I could watch the tuner (HDhomerun) but I could not record. When I tried to record the client would start recording and stop recording immediately after recording started. I had setup an internal 1tb ext4 formatted hard drive to record during my initial configuration in the backend web client. However I did not give privileges. I tried
chmod -R a+w /var/media/harddrivename
This did not work so well as I would still get a "client server does not respond properly" notice during recording. I opted for a full nuclear option and did.....
chmod -R 777 /var/media/hardrivename
After the -R 777 option it started working and recording with issues. I am still a beginner with Linux so if anyone has an alterantive way for future readers please share. 777 was something I did not want to do but I did it and it works and the HDD is only for recording. I thought I would share how I got this working
I love me some liberELEC!