Posts by barry

    Thank you... here's a screenshot of where that is:

    I guess I'll have to reboot the PC, as it's not working yet...

    I know about the security issues on Win8.1... my motherboard is too old for W11, so I'm debating whether I should bother w/ W10 as it'll be EOL soon enough as well.

    Meanwhile, it's the only PC on the subnet, and the Internet-exposed things (browsers, etc.) are well-secured (e.g. NoScript, AdBlock+), and I have a UTM firewall w/ IPS, etc.

    (compensating controls in ITSEC parlance)

    Unfortunately, that didn't help. Wireshark capture still looks similar:

    Thanks for your help!

    Hi, I'm no longer able to connect to the SMB server in LE 11.0.3:

    I'm not sure when the last time it worked was, but it definitely did work in the past. And it appears to be working for a Linux smbclient.

    HW: RPi 4B w/ 4GB RAM

    The client PC is on the same LAN switch, running Win 8.1, and is able to connect via SMB to my TrueNAS and to other PCs.

    NMAP shows the ports are open on LE, and SSH and HTTP both work:


    22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 9.2 (protocol 2.0)

    111/tcp open rpcbind

    139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.6.2

    445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.6.2

    8080/tcp open http-proxy?

    What's the best way to completely reset the SMB Server settings? Is loading the defaults in the GUI enough?

    Config parameters:

    server min protocol = SMB3

    server max protocol = SMB3

    (I have tried lowering these already. Also, they worked in the past like this.)

    I did notice there is a file


    but no


    Is that normal?

    Ditto for /usr/config/samba.conf.sample

    If I try from a Linux (CentOS 7.9) client, it does appear to be working:

    $ smbclient -L

    Enter SAMBA\barry's password:

    Sharename Type Comment

    --------- ---- -------

    Update Disk

    Videos Disk

    Music Disk

    TV Shows Disk

    Recordings Disk

    Downloads Disk

    Pictures Disk

    Emulators Disk

    Configfiles Disk

    Userdata Disk

    Screenshots Disk

    Logfiles Disk

    Backup Disk

    Picons Disk

    IPC$ IPC IPC Service (LibreELEC)

    SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available

    Here's a WireShark capture on the PC; .13 is the PC, .14 the LE Pi:

    I don't know enough about SMB to understand if those errors are critical.


    Does adding "audio_pwm_mode=1" to config.txt help?

    Hi, I already have



    in /flash/config.txt


    Remove all 720p modes and allow Kodi to upscale SD/720p content to 1080p (which is not taxing for hardware). This allows a wider range of refresh rates to see an exact match. You don't need to enable 3:2 pulldown as your TV supports exact modes.

    Will do, thanks.

    No Pi board can hardware decode VP9 and RPi4 doesn't have quite enough CPU grunt to handle it consistently at 1080p in software so it's best to disable it in inputstream.adaptive settings so YouTube and similar add-ons default to H264 content. This will limit you to 1080p which is the max resolution for the H264 codec on RPi4. If you go above 1080p with H264 the media is software decoded and (again) there's not enough CPU to handle the task so stuttering is expected.

    Mine can play YouTube up to 1440p 30fps (VP9, iirc) smoothly enough. I have it set to always ask which stream I want, so if it starts getting choppy or out-of-sync, I can stop it and start with a lower stream.

    Anyways, audio stutters even on the 720p 30fps and lower streams.

    I also forgot to mention the <cache> options in advancedsettings.xml. Unless your network is broken (in which case the solution is to fix your network) cache fiddling is not required and frequently causes issues.

    I had messed with that previously, in Oct 2021, as YouTube was performing horribly for a month or two (probably turned out it was not a network issue, but I was desperate). I lowered 'memorysize' back down already, but I will remove those settings now.

    Thanks again!

    TL/DR: I believe 1080@30 is not in the current whitelist although the log shows the TV supports this.

    You're right, I only had 50, 59, & 60 selected. I've now enabled ALL the 1080p rates (the TV does support them all).

    HOWEVER, for 720p, the ONLY options available in the whitelist selector are 50, 59, & 60Hz. Those were all already selected.

    I didn't have "allow double refresh rates"enabled, fixed now, thanks!

    Kodi needs to have adjust-refresh enabled (appears to be)

    I don't see a specific setting for that, but it is switching rates on different media (acc to Kodi & the TV).

    Currently Testing:


    24.000 720p h.264 (rendered at 1080p 24Hz; also see 3:2 below) - stutters

    23.976 480p mpeg4 (rendered at 1080p 23.98Hz) - stutters

    23.976 1080p h.264 - stutters

    23.976 1080p h.265 - stutters

    24.000 1080p h.264 - stutters

    24.000 2160p h.264 - stutters

    25.000 480p mpeg4 (rendered at 1080p 25Hz) - stutters

    25.000 2160p h.265 - stutters

    29.917(?) 2160p h.264 - stutters (LG Greece & Norway demo)

    29.970 2160p mpeg4 - stutters

    59.940 2160p h.265 (rendered at 1080p 59Hz) - stutters

    I also enabled 3:2 pulldown for the following:

    24.000 720p h.264, disp at 720p 60Hz - stutters


    29.970 360p h.264 (rendered at 1080p 29Hz) - stutters

    23.976 720p h.264 (rendered at 720p 59Hz) - stutters

    29.970 720p h.264 (rendered at 720p 59Hz) - stutters

    24.000 1440p vp9 (rendered 1080p 24.00Hz) - stutters

    24.000 1440p vp9 (rendered 2160p 24.00Hz) - stutters

    23.976 2160p vp9 - stutters

    59.940 2160p vp9 (rendered at 1080p 59Hz) - stutters

    In other words, I can't find ANY video file or YT stream that doesn't have stuttering audio.

    Note that with BT audio out, there's no stuttering on any of these.

    And MP3 files play fine on analog out.

    And everything worked in LE 10.

    Thanks again!

    Do you have audio-video synchronization issue between the HDMI video and the analog audio output?

    No, it's perfect currently on my RPi4 w Samsung TV. (iirc I had an issue on an older Samsung and a PC)

    But my BT receiver is off by at least 1/8 sec.

    Note you can adjust the audio delay in the settings during playback.

    If you're going to share a log please share the whole log, else we miss a bunch of stuff that is important. Rinse/repeat with the v12 nightly.

    Sorry, I cut it down to fit it into PasteBin, but then they deleted it anyways; here's the full log from v11.0.3 (attached)




    (set back to analog output)


    played a YouTube video


    Played a 720p MOV file (


    played test2-720p-DTS-x264.mkv

    By the way, it wouldn't hurt to turn on debug and upload a log file.

    Log Files -

    It might help with more informed answers. The HDR/4K guide is also something to follow closely, IIRC LE11 or LE10 defaulted the GUI to the highest resolution and 4K is absolute murder for RPi4, especially if it is upscaling 1080p content to 4K. You definitely want to make sure you set your display resolution to 1080p and use whitelists/adjust refresh rate if you need to play 4K content.

    I am not sure if it's LE or the kernel, but you can certainly log an issue. Might be good to try an LE11 nightly, as it should have a later kernel. Or if you are brave, the LE12 nightly is pretty stable.

    LibreELEC official nightly builds

    Thanks, I'm definitely in 1080p mode right now. (confirmed on the TV as well)

    I'll turn on debug mode...

    Nope, works great. It's probably your analog audio, can't imagine a lot of people use it. Try using HDMI audio and rule that out.

    OK, yes, HDMI PCM to the Samsung TV works better. (but my receiver doesn't have HDMI, nor does the TV have an Audio Out.)

    I now also see that the BlueTooth output works. (But if I tie LE to the BT, I can't use it for portable devices.)

    Can the analog output issue be filed as a bug/regression? I was using it for several years until it broke in v11.


    Hi, I've been running LE on an RPi 4b with 4GB RAM for quite awhile.

    Since upgrading to v11 (11.0.1 iirc, currently on 11.0.3), it's been stuttering on ALL video playback (NAS files and YouTube, multiple formats).

    The stutter is every few seconds, and is annoying for music and makes speech very hard to understand. It does it as soon as you start the video, doesn't matter time or temperature.

    However, music (MP3) files play perfectly fine.

    I am using the analog output on the Pi, to a dumb stereo with no surround sound, etc.

    I have tried setting the TV to 1080p as well as 4k, no difference.

    I've tried disabling all unnecessary plugins, no difference.

    The Pi4b is in a case with integrated heatsink and is not hot.

    Let me know what other info I can provide. I know how to SSH into it, etc.


    It's trying to accomoate the dumbfuckery of users who store videos, subs and other content inside zip/rar archive files. That ability needs to die in fire or be otherwise exorcised from the Kodi codebase - it's forever causing issues.

    Hi, it makes sense that it would scan the current directory and sub-directories for zip/rar files with subtitles, but I suspect it's scanning the entire filesystem.

    BTW, I have an MKV file that crashed Kodi (but not the OS) twice in a row. Third time worked.

    If it keeps doing it, I'll try to capture a debug log.


    Hi, I had a lot of ZIP and RAR files in my Movies and TV directory trees; I have removed most or all of them and the crashes have stopped.

    ISTM from the logs that Kodi is doing a full directory scan when starting to play a video. Is that true, and if so, why?

    So, I think it was trying to scan the ZIPs/RARs every time I played a video, and for whatever reason that caused the crashes.

    I could understand if it was only scanning the current directory/subdirectories for subtitles, but it seemed like it was scanning the whole filesystem.


    Hi, I've been running LibreElec on a Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB RAM) for over a year...

    Lately, it has been frequently crashing when I start playback of an h.264 or h.265 MKV video file (possibly other formats as well). After it restarts the GUI (it usually doesn't seem to do a full reboot), I try again, and it usually plays the file fine the second time.

    Previously it was very stable on everything except some crashes with 4k h.265 files.

    I have been watching CPU temperatures with ' xype' and they are around 41C at the time of the crash. RAM is fine.

    I did switch to a Argon One case, but I am still using the original RPi4 power supply and I did not hookup the case fan.

    Nonetheless, the crashes were noticed sometime after the case switch.

    I'm running 9.2.6 now, but it's been happening at least since 9.2.4.

    Crash Log (debug enabled):…iew?usp=sharing

    Please let me know if I can provide any other info.

    Thanks for your help!