Display MoreI have fixed a corrupted SD card in the pass doing it this way.
This was on windows 10.
Download latest SD card formatter 5.0.1
Open command prompt with admin privileges.
Type diskpart
The type list disk
Then type select disk * (replacing * with the number of your SD card)
Then type clean
Wait a few seconds until it's finished
Type exit
Type exit again to exit command prompt.
Now safely remove you SD card.
Re insert the SD card and open SD formatter.
Select overwrite erase and let it do its thing.
It should be good now.
I spent ages trying to fix SD card file corrupt issue and this was the only method that worked.
Hope it works for you too
I also used diskpart to successfully format my SD card. In addition, using the command prompt is one of the effective ways to fix an SD card. Here are the steps:
Use a command prompt:
Connect the damaged SD card to your computer > Go to "My Computer" > Under the "Devices and Drives" section, locate the SD card and write down its drive letter > Run command prompt and type "chkdsk h:/ r", Where "h" is the letter of the drive> Check if the SD card has returned to normal after completion.