Posts by zurdar
Just wasn't sure.
Today upgraded my old, trustworthy RPi 2 to new shiny RPi 3B+. Haven't installed it from scratch but just swapped SD to new Pi (tweaking config txt a bit) and everything seems to be working perfectly. It's unbelievable how much faster it is - Netflix 720p is now not a problem at all.
I have one problem however - LE still reports an old SOC from RPi2. Don't know if I should tweak something or simple not worry with it, but I'm afraid that my system might not use all fetures of new SOC.
For some reason I didn't got email notification about replies in this thread. Will check TVH version as soon as I'll be back home, but it's important to note that TVH is installed on another machine in my network. Same problem happened when TVH was installed as a plugin in LE so then I moved it to Raspbian, but problem is still there.
P.S. My TVH version is 4.1-2332~g38c9e89 and it's running on Raspbian Jessie with kernel 4.9.28-v7+.
Since my beginnings with LE I have strange issue. When I leave my RPI
2 on PVR screen it hangs (or sometimes restarts KODI only) within
couple of hours. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes less but it always
happens. Never noticed it on any other screen and it can work without
problems for weeks, so I've learned to not leave it on PVR but it's not a
solution. To be precise - I'm talking about screen shown on attachment
below. Now I'm on LE 8.0.2 with TVH HTSP Client as PVR frontend.
Tvheadend itself is working on another RPI with Raspbian. Is there any
chance to have it fixed? If any logs are necessary please let me know. -
Just noticed strange problem. On playback of Tvheadend recording every time I press "Previous" key on my remote to start from the beginning KODI hangs. It happens only for recordings played from "Television" section. .ts file itself opened from KODI file explorer works without any problems. I don't know if it's Tvheadend 4.2 problem or KODI itself, but it's very irritating. I hope someone can help me to resolve this.
P.S. I have those two action defined under "Previous" and "Next" buttons. Pressing either leads to KODI hang.
OK, just did it.
HhKW is with following script:
Codeimport xbmc xbmc.executebuiltin("CECStandby") #xbmc.executebuiltin("PlayerControl(Stop)") #xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateScreensaver")
And fifa with slightly different version:
Codeimport xbmc #xbmc.executebuiltin("CECStandby") #xbmc.executebuiltin("PlayerControl(Stop)") xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateScreensaver")
The difference is that first one should use CECStandby wchich it's not working and second one switches TV off by activating screen saver (it's configured in KODI CEC configuration). For now I'm using second version as a workaround but it's not convenient at all.
P.S. It will be easier to search through logs by KEY_POWER lirc messages as this key is used to activate script.
Just switched to LE 7.0.2 from OE 6.95.3 hoping that this issue is solved here, but sadly it isn't.
Kodi built-in command "CECStandby" is not working at all. It was working in OE 6.0.3 but after update to 6.95.3 it stopped. I'm invoking it through simple python script to to turn off my plasma - "xbmc.executebuiltin("CECStandby")". Is there any chance to have it solved?
It's on RPi 2 with Panasonic plasma connected through CEC.