Posts by elbrunzy

    Hi, this is an update on my investigation. Unfortunately it still dont work.

    Here is what I did today : I did try it on the 8.2.5 with the same error. I also try it on ubuntu with the same result, but this time I compiled libtimidity from sourceforge and copied the .so in the directory. Now I have the error : AddOnLog: Timidity Audio Decoder: Unable to assign function /usr/share/kodi/addons/audiodecoder.timidity/ undefined symbol: timidity_Init.

    I did try this on libreelec too but I wasnt certain the binary where compatible. Why it need libtimidity to boot from is beyond me, maybe for some reason it translate the .mid in a temporary .wave file before to play it? I think at this point I should try to contact spiff, the package maintainer.

    For what it worth, on ubuntu, kodi-audiodecoder-fluidsynth work allright so maybe I should concentrate my effort at understanding why it crash kody on libreelec. Of course I want to remain on libreelec as this os really impressed me so far and I would deem it perfect for my htpc need should it was not of that minor annoyance.

    Hi, I would very much like to listen to midi on my kodi box. So I did try fluidsynth but it crash kodi, then I try timidity and it just dont play file. But with timidity I am able to have a log.

    Here what it say:

    I did put some soundfonts on /storage/ and did try them on the plugin config.

    I did try to rename to but it get an init lib reference error (it's probably not the same .so maybe)

    I did try to put some I found somewhere else but it did not worked much

    I did try version, and with the help of changing version 9.0.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2, 9.1.001 and 9.1.002 but always the same error.

    Does anyone with a working timidity plugin can tell me what they have in the directory : ~/.kodi/addons/audiodecoder.timidity

    I only have those files:

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 767 Jul 27 21:16 addon.xml

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 55264 Jul 27 21:16

    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 27 21:16 resources

    Maybe the is in /usr/lib{64} but not in my case.

    btw the plugin openmpt work very well to play amiga .mod who are on the same smb share, and I'm using embuary on x86_64.

    Thanks anyone who took the time to read my thread and suggest anything. Bye