Posts by Heide264

    Anybody have any thoughts? Issue is still on going.

    Good Evening,

    I've had an issue that has persisted way back into OpenElec for years. I use a MythTV remote backend along with a simple Haswell i3 build for a frontend running LibreElec 7.0.2 (kernel 4.4.13). Whenever watching liveTV and recordings of certain HD channels (TLC comes to mind), the screen periodically flickers/flashes black - randomly maybe once a second on average. It is somewhat random and depends on the source video. Sometimes commercials will flicker and the TV show itself will be fine.

    I have yet to notice this problem when playing TV on my backend, Kodi on my android devices, or when I used a raspberry pi build - so I'm fairly confident that the issue is isolated to this intel machine.

    I've sorta been lazy and just hoping that the problem will magically solve itself with updates.

    See my log here that shows boot up, connecting to MythTV backend, downloading EPG, and mostly watching a 'guilty' channel: EAFe

    Let me know what information I can provide to help out.

    I noticed I'm running VAAPI version 0.39 with the Intel i965 driver for Haswell (1.7.0). I saw talk of another repository that contains alternate VAAPI builds, but the posts were fairly old.

    Any help would be great!