check the logs, look for errors.
Posts by DRAGO4k
added 9.1.002 image
Could I do that with a linux live USB in the same computer?
It has a physical HDD and, honestly, I don't have any computer with available physical space for another HDD or time to start dissaembling my working computer in order to remove current HDD and put the other one...
yes, anything that can mount that volume so you can get to the logs
You can download the image at:
LibreELEC-XT-Q8L-V10.arm-9.1.001-rk3288.img - while "This post will remain inaccessible for others until approved by a moderator."
Search · got msgq_abort or msgo_is_error return true · GitHub
Also a dead giveaway is: 2019-07-12 22:24:32.343 T:1504691056 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: eof
The system reaches the end of the file
Error is triggered by a number of reasons. and because it happens with only some videos it is most likely that the videos are damaged somehow and the Kodi player can't ignore the issue. This is a KODI issue at this point, unless there is some information pointing to Libreelec as the generator of this issue, you might find more help at KODI's forums. -
hey, this does not help. you need to look for the log file:
/storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.loggrab the HDD/SDD/SDCARD from your Asus M3N78-VM after it froze, put into a different PC (with Linux or something that can mount a squash filesystem) mount the storage partition, get the files, post the log here.
Might help:
How To - Linux List Disk Partitions Command - nixCraft
How to Mount and Unmount Filesystem / Partition in Linux (Mount/Umount Command Examples)Libreelec uses a squash filesystem.
if you do not have Linux on the PC:
python 2.7 - How to handle squashfs in Windows - Stack Overflow
Iridium - that seems so weird since he is not asking for support on the addons, or compatibility with those addons. Also really hard to enforce he can uninstall/disable and repost the the log and then re-enable/install them. At the very end there is no difference we did not change anything, just made it harder to interact with people.
Rickt1962 - look at your log man, "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi" - this is from an Android machine, most likely you are looking at the wrong log file.Iridium - sorry if I overstepped.
Hello all,
You can download the image at:
LibreELEC-XT-Q8L-V10.arm-9.1.002-rk3288.img - not tested
Image is based on the MIQI image
More or less a proof of concept but .... working
1) Read and follow: XT-Q8L-V10 – Armbian - be careful to backup your android image if you plan to go back (I didn't back it up and lost it forever
, but hey at least I got Libreelec to run)
2) grab the image above and burn it on a SDCARD
What works (I quickly tested):
HW acc at least for H264
Resolution up to 3840x2160p @ 25Hz
Onboard Ethernet
Audio via HDMI
Maybe more, just download and test - at least for me it's enough since I mainly watch IP TV and H264
What does not work:
REBOOT !!! - it actually shuts down the device, you will have to manually power on the device
Wireless - sorry, just pop a rtl8188eu and you are good to go
jock @ for the help with uboot, the Q8 defconfig and the Q8 device tree
ROCKCHIP for the uboot documentation at:
!!!! PS !!!!
AVOID balenaEtcher on MAC, honestly I wrote a lot of images with etcher in the past before balena and worked OK, now they just don't work for me and created a false sense of images not working.
I used the Disk Image Writer from a Ubuntu VM to burn the image.