This can only be debugged through serial console.
I cant do that if you help me
This can only be debugged through serial console.
I cant do that if you help me
I tried that i wont boot black screen on banna pi m2!
Banana pi m2 zero has h2+ orange pi lite was h3 cpu if U have on moment and can give me a litle help i will be very gratefull!
Banana pi M2 h2plus has 1gb of ram and h2+ cpu I think!
They may not give support but still let users to build like armbian Ihave orange pi lite and banana pi m2 zero and can´t get kodi to work because they doesn´t make a config file for os to build our own!
Why cant you build for board with 512mb of ram?
I'm wondering what in the statement "not supported" was unclear?if the board su
if the board was the same cpu why don´t herlp to compile what if the problem? i don´t have money to buy 1gb board
Add correct lines to scripts/uboot_helper. You have to create H2 section and add your board. Then copy project/Allwinner/devices/H3 to H2. After that, you're on your own
Please help me man!
I wiill try but I think that is a bit 2 much for me let´s see!
EDIT: I did the build put it ona sd card but it dont boot can you help ?
I know but can you teach me to do it unofficially ? I kneed kodi on this litle board
please can some one por to banan pi zero?
Hi there any way to build for banana pi zero?
Hi there nice build . im using on my orange pi pc with last build and freezing after some time playing videos also using wifi adaptor tp link TL-wn725n have very poor performance! Im also facing this issue on welcome screen and cant get out of here. Any tip?
On my end it is easily reproducible. It only crashes when trying to connect to the network. And no, I can not connect to the network, even when it does not crash. This problem is nonexistent in Raspbian, implying it is a software issue.
Does LibreELEC do vnc? I can privately give you ssh, if you want to explore and reproduce the issue yourself. Unfortunately I do not have a second Pi or sd card to absolutely verify this is a software issue.
MIne has the video files in network and I use userdata.xml to point to a mysql database and crasching after 5 minutes of use is simple unusable waiting for another build patiently
I have raspberry pi 4b 1gb and with this build it sucks freezes every time woth original charger. very hot board i think I will sell it and buy a different one!