Posts by Modulo_N

    Hi folks,

    I am currently biting my nails of because of a very strange effect with my Apple Wireless (Bluetooth) Keyboard on one of my LE frontends. Whenever I poweron the Raspi, Kodi starts up and pushes my TV from "standby" to "on" via CEC. But after that, the GUI does not respond to the keyboard. The only way currently is to switch of the keyboard by long-pressing the button, then switch it on again and keep the button pressed until the keyboard initiates a re-pairing (blinking). After a while (several second), it connects and all is fine...

    My research on the command line puzzles me even more: with the GUI not responding, I ssh-ed into the box and ran bluetoothctl. To my surprise, the keyboard was paired and connected when I ran the info command. But the GUI still was dead. I then issued a disconnect in bluetoothctl and the response was clear telling me "connected: no". I then pressed a key on the keyboard et voila, the GUI came back to life as the keyboard immediately reconnected.

    So after my bluetoothctl excursion, the keyboard was in the very same state as before, but yet the GUI worked.

    I tried to glue this into a skript to be run via, but that somehow fails as bluetootctl has no ordinary interface but only can be handled by echoing commands to it. This echo is immediate and my skript does/can not wait for the actual completion of the disconnect... And to cut it short: even if the skript correctly issues a "disconnect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx \next " to bluetoothctl, the effect is different, ie. the GUI remains dead...

    Any ideas... I already disabled the onboard BT and use a BT-dongle, which seems to work fine...

    Please let me know, what more details you would need to give me some hints where to look for... Running LibreElec 9.0.2 with Leia 18.2 on a Raspi 3 B+

    Thanks in advance
