Posts by jsager333

    I am reluctant to say which box I am using because that would sound like a recommendation. I aim to support as many boxes as possible.

    That said the only boxes that I can fully support are branded ones, i.e. WeTek and Minix because these are the only ones with consistent hardware and great support from vendors.

    Understandable. Your response is very helpful nonetheless. Thanks again for all your work. I'll be sending you a little more coffee shortly.

    kszaq I was wondering which s912 box you are using for development. I couldn't locate that info it in your postings. Any chance you would be willing to post that info? My apologies if it is out there, but I am having trouble finding that info. I appreciate the work you have been doing and would like to assist in whatever way I can. If you need a box to test development on let me know and I'll see what I can do to help.