Posts by r-cz

    Hi guys,

    I'm dealing with Chrome browser addon giving me 'Aw, Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage.' message on any webpage. I mean every page, even the page you are redirected when you click Learn more under 'Aw, Snap!'. When I install Chrome from repo and start it for the first time, the whole Chrome package is downloaded, then starts and works fine. Even pages with video streaming work well. But if I power cycle or reboot my NUC, Chrome starts but every page gives that stupid message and Chrome is partly frozen. It responds very slowly but I can close it normally if I'm patient enough.

    I've tried to configure Chrome to delete all the browsing data stored when closed, fiddled with settings like HW acceleration, Rasterization mode, running background apps, and more but nothing's helped.

    The only thing that helps is to remove Chrome addon and install it back again. The settings are kept and it works until I reboot.

    My specs:

    LE 9.0.2 on Intel NUC6CAYH

    Chrome 75.0.3770.100

    Repo: LibreELEC Addons (Team LibreELEC 9.0.101)

    Thank you


    PS: I hope I provided the right loglog-2019-06-26-20.01.46.zips