Posts by Rourow

    Hello everyone,

    When the installation of LibreELEC on my raspberry is finished successfully it can't display boot menu.

    Here is my installation steps in detail :

    • I formate my 8Go micro SD Card with SD Card Formatter
    • I've download the version of Noobs on Download NOOBS for Raspberry Pi
    • I Copy the content of the compress folder to my SD Card
    • I put my SD into my raspberry pi 3 B and launch the installation of LibreELEC
    • A message of "error mounting setting partition" appears (Persistent settings partition seems corrupt. Reformat ? ) -> I anwser no (Yes doesn't change anything)
    • i select the LibreELEC boot and launch the installation
    • The progress bar goes to 100% and finish with a OS(es) installed successfully :)
    • but after click on OK an other message appears "cannot display boot menu" "Error mounting settings partition" :cursing:

    Please, what could i do to make it works ?

    Thank you for your time,
