Posts by JohnTW

    Hi I'm really new to this. I have a Chromebox with LibreELEC 8.2.5 installed, and I'm having the same issue with "Your system (FAT) partition is too small for this update".

    How do I do a fresh install of LibreELEC 9.0.2 if my Chromebox boots directly to LibreELEC with the Chrome OS erased? I created a bootable flash drive image of "LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.0.2.img.gz", but it won't boot to it when I reboot the Chrombox. I've also tried the command "Ctrl, F2", but it gives me an error saying the SeaBios is too small. I was hoping it would just create a proper partition, but it didn't. So how do I create a proper size partition for the Chromebox so I can install the latest version of LibreELEC?