Are there any known issues with the S905D and temp sensor builds? I Flashed the regular version to my KI Pro and it occasionally hangs on the Mecool logo like builds would with the sensors enabled on my Mini MX III.
Posts by Hans Gruber
746Mhz is showing a SNR of 23.7dB and 778Mhz is showing 23.2dB. All the muxes seem to be around that sort of figure so I guess they're all a bit borderline. My TV shows a "Signal Strength" of 98 and "Signal Quality" of 100 but I have no idea what any of that means.
You can disable network discovery in tvheadend. I verified predefined muxes in tvheadend for Tacolneston, UK and the data are correct. Most likely issue is in weak signal. Try to use antenna with better gain.
For fixing issues in tvheadend you have to add log from tvheadend:
Thanks for the reply. I do have a roof aerial (which I'm pretty much stuck with for now) but do get the occasional glitch on HD signals using the tuner built-in to the TV so there could be some signal issues. I think I'm only about 12 miles from the transmitter with not much in between. Could it be that my old USB tuner is more sensitive and works better with a weaker signal? I could plug the old tuner in but I went for the KI Pro to remove some of the cables hanging out the box. I'll attach my service.log just in case it shows up anything useful/interesting.
Oh also unrelated to this issue I noticed that the HDMI cable supplied with the KI Pro wouldn't supply any CEC data, changing cables fixed it but it seemed a bit odd.
I've just got a KI Pro to replace a Mini MX III with an external USB DVB-T tuner but I'm having a bit of an issue in TVHeadend. The muxes on frequencies 745.833Mhz and 777.833Mhz are failing to scan on the KI Pro, but not on the old box using a "Silicon Labs Si2168" adaptor. If I manually choose 746Mhz and 778Mhz it scans ok but the network discovery thing seems to want to add back the old frequencies. It also seems to be duplicating some of the channels but assigning different channel numbers to them.
Same results with kszaq's 8.1.3 and 8.0.2e releases. I'm in UK using the Tacolneston transmitter (Tacolneston (Norfolk, England) Full Freeview transmitter | UK Free TV 📺). I'm attaching the logs but I'm not sure if they're the right ones, and sorry if my explanation doesn't make much sense! :p
Any ideas?
edit: I think the duplicate channel thing might be unrelated. It seems some channels are being moved around by Freeview.
Will support for these make its way into the Amlogic builds? I've got one of these dongles sitting in my drawer, would be cool if I could put it to use.
Ok I just removed guest access and added a password protected account to my windows samba shares and can now access them with 8.2. It probably wasn't a bad idea to do that anyway. (Sorry for going on about samba shares so much! )
There's a glitch in Millhouse builds at the moment - smb doesn't play nicely with windows shares if passwords aren't used. Might be the same issue...?
Ahh that could well be it. I'm not using any passwords on mine. Thanks, hopefully that can be fixed.
Well you having it working on Windows 10 makes it more baffling :p
For people saying SMB is working could you possibly mention what OS your server is running? Thanks.
Try going Settings > Service settings > SMB client and lower the maximum to SMBv2 or 1
I've just given that a try. Limiting to v2 or v3 gives the same error, v1 gives a password prompt but still doesn't allow me to logon.
If it's any use for diagnosing the problem this is the what Windows is saying in the event viewer when I try to connect
An account was successfully logged on. Subject: Security ID: NULL SID Ac -
You have options:
1. Windows 10 Enterprise with NFS support
2. Run 3rd party NFS server
Best option -> NAS
Yeah I'd ideally like a NAS like a Synology but my current setup is a Frankenstein's monster of an old Intel NUC and USB drives. I didn't realise W10 Enterprise had a NFS server built-in. I'll have to look into that, thanks. I'm currently just using Home but an upgrade might be possible.
Hans Gruber I think the error is related to LE 8.2 Samba bump. I will seek for advice on this from LE devs.
also using samba, but no issues for me, just upgrading from testing8 to 8.2
It wouldn't surprise if Windows was at fault ultimately as it can see Samba shares on other devices just fine. I really wish Windows supported NFS as it sounds a lot less troublesome.
I'm still getting samba issues with this build. Now it's saying "operation not permitted" when trying to access samba shares on a Windows machine. I'm just waiting now to see if it will fix itself like it did in previous builds.
edit1: Still no luck, the error message it's spitting out is:
Quote09:30:54.634 T:4014990240 ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://BADGER/Video/Television'
unix_err:'1' error : 'Operation not permitted'
09:30:56.055 T:4102062192 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting smb://BADGER/Video/Television/
09:30:56.057 T:4102062192 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(smb://BADGER/Video/Television/) failed
edit2: flashed back to 8.0.2e and it connects again.
This is testing build and it is better to be compatible with 8.1.
My Leia test build for KI Pro:
For other S905 devices replace nougat dtb.
This build is incompatible with pvr's from LE repository. For tvheadend use
I've just tried your build and am getting a lot of frame skips using TVHeadend (the one you've linked to). I made a quick recording if it's of any use to you @ Dropbox - Moonraker-ITV HD2017-07-0915-30.ts
I've just tried Amazon Instant Video on your LE9 build and video playback seems to be using 100% CPU and very stuttery, but it's great to see it working at all. I've tried both 720p and 1080p.
edit: oh and also TVHeadend won't load.
I'm having Samba share timeout issues again. Are there any known workarounds without flashing back to an older build?
There were some changes from A to B, but not from B to C afaik.
Thanks, hopefully it was just a one-off glitch. Seems to be working again now.