Posts by 5olar

    That file doesn't allow loading modules, so I just used "pactl load-module" in

    For anyone who finds this thread looking for info, also consider the following:

    • Use the Pulse module "module-udev-detect".

    • Container probably needs to run as root and so do the users in it (for access to Pulse).

    • Won't play audio alongside Kodi if ALSA is used, and UI sounds may need to be turned off for playing while on UI.

    If Kodi does so on its own, when Kodi says "ALSA" next to the output device, it's also playing directly via ALSA?

    Unless I can make the output go through PulseAudio or I can get Kodi to register devices in asound.conf, I may be screwed.

    First, I need to know if the audio is just going through ALSA directly, because in this article:

    Pulseaudio []

    It shows Pulse can play / receive audio, though I'm not sure whether it means simultaneously with Kodi.

    I tested and /storage/.config/asound.conf still works for me, also "/run" was the correct place for PulseAudio. Great!

    Now I think I've setup a dmix device and it's ALSA's default, but how can I make Kodi use it? Since it's not in "settings > system > audio > audio output device", would I need some startup arguments for Kodi? The output I used for dmix doesn't appear in Kodi anymore, presumably because it's being used on boot.

    I know with PulseAudio, all you need to do is make a sink and Kodi should pickup the device.

    Solved most of the questions here apart from one: multiple audio streams. The solution is dmix, but the file I need is read only: /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf

    This may be the wrong file, as the official ALSA wiki says it's /etc/asound.conf, but that doesn't exist in LibreELEC.

    Please could someone at LibreELEC point me to the correct file to write to, if possible? :)

    I have a docker container running with PulseAudio inside. Where should I create a docker volume to from LibreELEC, so PulseAudio can detect the correct device from the container, or so I can manually set it as a sink (output)?

    And is it possible to have LibreELEC use the device alongside the docker container, or will I need to use separate outputs?

    Appreciate any directions.

    Tried that and NODEJS_HOME is set, but PATH isn't. Is PATH being overwritten by something else?


    export NODEJS_HOME=/storage/nodejs/node-v10.15.3-linux-armv6l
    export PATH=$PATH:$NODEJS_HOME/bin

    PATH stays as:

    export PATH='/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/storage/.kodi/addons/service.system.docker/bin'

    Silly me, thought it was 64 bit. The error was "-sh: node: not found" so assumed I was doing something wrong, but it works with 32 bit.

    That aside, how can I set environment variables without them resetting after reboot or closing ssh session?

    The folder does exist. If it's relevant, I'm using a custom build for Amlogic S912 by kszaq.

    I tried a fresh OS install and the problem still exists. If there's a way to set environment variables for global use (not just ssh session or bash script) I could test that?

    I'm trying to install and create environment variables for node.js.

    I know it can be installed via docker, but not sure how I would create environment variables for a docker container, so I tried running manually.

    I've unpacked node.js (linux / arm64) and used the export command in bash:

    export NODEJS_HOME=/storage/nodejs/node-v10.15.3-linux-arm64
    export PATH=$PATH:$NODEJS_HOME/bin
    echo `node -v`

    This doesn't work even within the same bash script; it says node can't be found.

    I'm a complete newb, sorry if the solution is obvious... thanks for any help.