Posts by skywlker32

    I "upgraded" from OpenElec to LibreElec on a media center computer that has a hard drive attached to it.

    I am attempting to access the media on the media center computer from my windows 10 machine by typing \\IP into the file explorer. The username/password screen comes up and I enter the information as it had been previously (and I checked the settings on LibreElec and it is still the password). I get red text below that says "The user name or password are incorrect."

    What is going on here? I don't understand why I'm having issues. Why is my password not working?

    Did you try the option to add a network source via "Add a network location.." ?


    In post #1 you said "I am able to SSH into the HTPC and can remotely control the playback".

    Later, in post #4 you said "I am attempting to connect to the HTPC from a Windows 10 PC."

    They are confusing statements. Are you trying to access your Windows 10 shares from your custom AMD HTPC ?

    ? I can SSH in to the HTPC device, I can also remotely control the HTPC device from my phone and Windows 10 computer. I can not transfer or view files on the HTPC via network drive from my windows 10 computer.

    You need to set a Samba username/password in the LE settings add-on (and leave SMB2/3 defaults enabled, not SMB1). Win10 requires authenticated SMB connections.

    I tried initially with the samba settings as SMB2/3 and have had username/password the entire time (hence mentioning that I had to go into the default skin to change any of that).

    My HTPC smb path to my win 10 server is: smb://IP/media

    It would also be helpful to know what hardware and network you are using

    I just tried the path with SMB at the beginning and windows file explorer didn't even bring up a password option (connecting with windows 10 computers FYI).

    I have a custom built AMD HTPC running LibreElec. I am not quite sure what descriptors you need for the network.

    The big change between OE (and older LE versions) and LE 8.2 or newer is that SMB1 is no longer used by default (client or server). LE clients will need to set user/pass credentials on all shares accessed, configure Kodi to use them, and use SMB2/3 *or* (against our advice) force Kodi to use SMB1 by setting the Kodi SMB client (in Kodi settings) to use min/max SMB1. Really ancient old NAS may also need the SMB legacy security option checking. If using LE as the server; we now default to SMB2/3 but this can be changed. Older Samba clients may default to SMB1 so cannot see the shares requiring config in the LE settings add-on to be changed *or* (better) you should update the Samba version on the other Linux OS to something less prehistoric.

    I tried setting the samba client to SMB1, as I had heard that was a possible issue, but that did not fix the issue (as I noted above, I am attempting to connect to the HTPC from a Windows 10 PC.

    I upgraded from Openelec. Previously, I had not major issues. After switching to Libreelec, I am having a few issues now.

    My samba connection is no longer working. Nothing changed in the settings (but had to switch from Titan to the default skin to access the settings). Now, when I try to map a drive to the HTPC via samba, the password is not recognized as correct. I am attempting to map the drive to \\IP\media (obviously IP is where my HTPC ip address goes). I am able to SSH into the HTPC and can remotely control the playback, but samba appears to have issues.

    On top of that, when playing through a "playlist" of videos (aka episodes of a show), the second video has been jumpy

    I was having problems with the system freezing upon stopping a video. I haven't had this happen today, but I suspect this would happen again in the future.