Posts by MonsterPlexSpain

    Hi, i have been searching the forum before posting this thread and couldn´t find anything.

    I have an intel z83-V. there you have an image of serial model and picture of the device:(sorry, i am new uploading pictures on forums).


    i know this device works fine because it works perfectly with windows 10 and kodi+plex.

    With LibreElec 9.0.1 (currently the one i am using), everything works perfectly except the sound. Even when i go to the sound configuration and i select another output, i still have no sounds. And that is pretty weird because libreElec detect perfectly my TV on the output options.">

    Is there any fix or something i am missing?

    i would prefer to not go back to windows 10 since LibreElec is way more fast and beautifull.

    pd: if images dont load, there i copy you the info of the model

    S/N: EN808SJH61554
