Display MoreX96 Max 2G/16G 100Mb/s NIC 20190605 Aarch image presently.
Can anyone advise what I might be missing in order to get Live TV to work properly?
That is the future primary use for this box, hence my fixation.
Tvheadend server is running on another box on the LAN, so only tvheadend client is installed.
Do I need to get DVB drivers from somewhere for this to work?
Some of the Satellite (DVB-S) channels work correctly.
A lot of them have have sound but no video.
Broadcast DVB-T channels have sound and no video.
One DVB-T channel, generated in house using a HDMI>DVB-T Edision converter has both sound and video.
I am puzzled TBH.
I do not know where to look, so any help available would be appreciated.
Per chewitt:#734 I think you need to use the arm version and not the Aarch version to have a chance of live tv working. But I don't use Tvheadend, so I could very well be wrong.