Posts by Mandingo

    Try a different USB cable, maybe it has a micro fracture. Or possibly the Buffalo's controller is a bit allergic to LThanks

    Thanks for your reply.

    Cable is mint, it was the first thing I checked. It could be just the drive is struggling with linux. I am considering buying a new one but if this is a common problem then there is not much point if I am only going to get the same result.

    I know I need to use a powered drive but what if I use a powered USB hub and connected one of the many non powered USB drives I've got or am i barking up the wrong tree with that idea?

    Sounds like a power issue with your HDD. NTFS is fine for LE, so no problem there.

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am not sure how to get the logs out of kodi to post them? funny you should mention power because Ive been getting that lighting bolt from raspberry so i disconnected the cooling fan and changed the mouse to one that consumed less power but I still see the lighting bolt from time to time. The other thought i had was that the drive takes a bit of time to spin up and i am wondering because LibreElec boots so fast its just missing its chance to mount.

    Anyway Logs how do i get them out?

    I have just started getting into Linux so I am somewhat of a novice so please take this into account. I have installed LibreELEC onto a Raspberry Pi3 B+ micro SD card, I downloaded the image directly from the LibeELEC downloads, I downloaded an older version because I can not get the Aeon Nox skin on Liea, so i am using Kodi 17.6 (Linux Kernel 4.11.x).

    The problem I have is the self powered external Buffalo 6TB hard drive randomly mounts and can take a few reboots before it finally mounts and allows me to access my media.

    I believe it is formatted NTFS because I need to use it on a windows 7 PC to update my media from time to time. I have read the best format for Linux is ext4 but is not compatible with windows unless using 3rd party software so I would really like to stick with NTFS. Is there a way to permanently mount this drive so it is always recognized in Kodi (or Raspberry pi3)? I dont see any terminal access from Kodi to code in any commands but like I said Im a novice. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.