Posts by boredazfcuk

    I saw similar issues too.

    I found that that video looks like it has a green-ish tinge to it and there are trails during fast movement of contrasting colours.

    Audio also drifts out of sync, which can be avoided, but video then starts dropping frames.

    I can't remember what options did what, but I found it was related to hardware acceleration and sync playback to display.

    I rolled back to 8.2.5 and it's perfect again.

    If I get some spare time, I'll upgrade, reproduce the issues, capture logs and downgrade again. Won't be until next week at the earliest though.


    I have a central MariaDB database on a Linux Kodi VIrtual Machine. I point it to local NFS mounts for media locations (/storage/nfs/movies/ etc.) and store those in the DB. My LE devices have local NFS mounts the same as the Kodi server. This allows them to play media as they can access the "local" file path.

    My Windows laptop however uses path substitution to change the "local" paths to SMB:// locations.

    This all works fine.

    Try mounting your NFS paths using mount commands in ~/.config/

    And path substituting special to /storage/nfsmount/whatever