I saw that and I can run it from bash, but when systemd launches the library the path is not there
Aug 09 16:11:11 Eldhus systemd[1]: Reached target Network is Online.
Aug 09 16:11:11 Eldhus systemd[1]: Starting Kodi Media Center...
Aug 09 16:11:11 Eldhus kodi-config[649]: chmod: /storage/.kodi/addons/*/bin/*: No such file or directory
Aug 09 16:11:12 Eldhus systemd[1]: Started Kodi Media Center.
Aug 09 16:11:12 Eldhus systemd[1]: Reached target Kodi Mediacenter Interface.
Aug 09 16:11:12 Eldhus systemd[1]: Started ShairportSync AirTunes receiver.
Aug 09 16:11:12 Eldhus systemd[1]: Startup finished in 2.978s (kernel) + 11.793s (userspace) = 14.772s.
Aug 09 16:11:12 Eldhus shairport-sync[662]: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.shairport-sync/shairport-sync: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Aug 09 16:11:12 Eldhus systemd[1]: [[0;1;39mshairport-sync.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a[[0m
Instead of playing with it I just added the variable to the service file (maybe it´s not correct)
Description=ShairportSync AirTunes receiver
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As I said it´s just a hacked together solution for now so I did not even make a .zip to install from, just copied the files over (to /storage/.config/systemd and /storage/kodi/addons) and enabled the service.
Maybe LE is doing something in the background when a addon is correctly packaged and installed via ZIP.. but I will cross that bridge when I can cross compile it with the LE build utilities
Is the best way to compile the libraries needed and package them with the addon (like my hack does now)?
I however would need to script the build so it would work on all platforms. I saw that the Chromium is doing something like that I maybe I could use that as a template?
The only problem I see is meeting the dependencies during build time