Posts by eshornock

    I also switched to CoreElec 9.0.1 and have working CEC. Everything else seems to work too. Excellent!

    I was not able to upgrade by just putting the update in the .update folder. I rebooted and the update process seemed to proceed. There was an error, however, and my odroid failed to boot, so I had to do a full installation and that worked. I restored the backup I created of the .kodi directory and my library was intact. I don't know if I'm going to run into problems in the future by doing it this way but we'll see.

    Hopefully this gets fixed in libreelec but it seems I'm now a coreelec user...

    I manually upgraded again to LibreELEC 9.0.0 (SHA256: 1dfe766d8a2ec8b2053f2524a80db77b25026aa283409e3d86c8717befcaf5f3). I ran

    systemctl stop kodi
    mv .kodi kodi.old

    The odroid seemed to power off instead of reboot. I waited for a few minutes in case something was happening even though I saw "no signal" on my TV. After around 5 minutes I unplugged the odroid's power and plugged it back in. LibreELEC booted and I was prompted to set up my device. I configured the CEC adapter and shutdown Kodi from the interface. I turned on the TV. My HDMI input was unchanged (HDMI 3 - Kodi). I switched to "live TV" and back to HDMI 3: the odroid did not power on.

    I cycled the power on the odroid again to get it to boot. I logged in via SSH and typed "reboot". I had the same behaviour as before; the odroid seemed to be off and didn't actually reboot.

    I tried the current nightly build, LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.arm-9.0-nightly-20190201-974f4cb.img.gz, moved .kodi out of the way and typed "reboot" within SSH. This time the odroid did reboot. I turned the odroid off via Kodi's interface. My TV turned off. I powered the TV back on and this was just like before: the odroid did not power on.

    I went back to 8.2.5 (SHA256: 9cc3cb2cb0481753af9b5db105e1a853673150e08fc51a13904fef4ef0798c5d) and CEC is again working with my LG TV and my C2.

    debug logs from the nightly build: Debian Pastezone

    I manually updated to 9.0 by copying the image file LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.arm-9.0.0.img.gz to /storage/.update and rebooting, as per Update LibreELEC []. With 9.0.0 my odroid-c2 is not powered on via CEC when the TV is powered on. I had to unplug the odroid's power supply and plug it back in to get the odroid to boot up.

    I downgraded to 8.2.5 by copying LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.aarch64-8.2.5.img.gz to /storage/.update and creating /storage/.update/.nocompat. I then shutdown the odroid, unplugged the power supply, and plugged it back in. LibreELEC was downgraded to 8.2.5. I shut down the odroid which turned the TV off, as it should have. When I turned the TV back on the odroid powered up.

    Edit: The same thing was reported at Odroid_C2 8.90.006 no CEC Power on by connected TV - LibreELEC Forum with a beta version.