Posts by OpalEcho

    I haven't noticed anyone else posting about this so the problem may be specific to my RPi 2 board, but I had been experiencing subtle frame hitches/skipping on all video files ever since v7.

    The hitching was almost imperceptible but definitely happened every 2 or 3 minutes.

    Well, if anyone else is experiencing this I just wanted to put out there that you need to enable OMXPlayer hardware acceleration in Player Settings.

    I was wondering why this wasn't enabled by default? I'm guessing it's disabled by default to ensure compatibility across all RPi 2/3 models. But afaik hardware acceleration seems pretty stable across both boards already and it solved frame dropping in my case.

    Similarly, does anyone know why volume compression/normalization (Audio Settings > "Maintain original volume on downmix") is on by default?

    Deliberately flattening the default sound profile sounds like something that should be opt-in, not opt-out. It robs the viewer of dynamic range out of the box. Plus it's hidden away in the "Advanced" mode, which isn't as easy to find. It took me months of fiddling before I found out that was why my sound felt lacking in bass.

    p.s. I hope this post didn't come across as too complain-y! Everyone that works and contributes to this project deserves my infinite gratitude :)