Posts by TFCMaine

    I ran a command from another thread last night... Now i don't remember it. It didn't do anything visible, but this morning i started up the server (I normally leave it on, but was still troubleshooting) And it booted into full screen on the TV.

    The command was something like: xrandr --output LVDS --off, xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 0x60

    Either way, it works and I'm happy about it. I have the xorg.conf file in place as shown from my above link. I removed the first section called radeon. I attached it for others to try.

    no more quarter screen


    P.S. I renamed it so there is no TXT

    It's 100% not a cable issue. I just today had openelec running just fine. With the modified xorg.conf file. Clean install of LibreElec and I'm back to a quarter screen. The previous link was someone else who had a similar problem.

    I'm trying to solve the same problem. This worked on OpenElec but not LibreELec.

    The link below has a pic showing the issue, and a way to resolve it. I proceeded to make a xorg.conf file like they said. Transferring it over ssh successfully. That solution doenst work on LibreElec.

    Picture top-left corner · Issue #3203 · OpenELEC/ · GitHub

    fritsch commented on May 9, 2014 <~~ resolution about half way down the page.

    I'm installing on an old laptop.


    Intel I3 M330@ 2.13

    4 Gb Ram

    GPU Mesa DRI Intel Ironlake Mobile

    Libreelec 8.2.5

    Thanks for the reply.

    It's an old HP laptop with an i3 running at 2.4Ghz. 4 gig ram. I'm not near it right now to get exacting specs.

    I guess I meant support as far long term viability. I'd hate to transition just to find out it petered out. But it sounds like its solid. I am due for 18-24" of snow here in Northern Maine. Maybe I'll just spend some time playing with that.

    I understand hardware and long term are not congruent.

    I'm considering switching from OpenElec. As a long time OE user, I enjoyed addons like Reddit & Youtube. I seem to have more and more trouble on OE with these and more. Even had to make my own .conf file to display on my TV properly.

    Is it true DRM , or whatever, content will be soon accessible. (ie: Netflix or Hulu). With a legit subscription of course. That would really make this a front and center OS for home entertainment. I have a probably small, personal collection of over 300 movies (three computers and a long winter later). That alone gets old quick. To see current content is key.

    I plan on installing LE on an old laptop. I stream with a RPI2 in the bedroom from said machine/external drive. We also have the Kindle and a smart TV that streams from it.

    I'm most interested in the long term viability and support before diving in. The community seems fantastic and very active.

    Thanks for having me.