Posts by sensenmann

    I found scummvm error... this core is not included in my addon, so you downloaded from retroarch buildbot with "update cores" option in menu, well, that core is not working in rasperries...
    I have copy the one compiled by escalade and uploaded to my repo, you can download from here (with my mame2010 working experimental core):

    It run for me, but I didn't test any game yet...

    We're definitely on the right track here. Switched the core file and started it via the retroarch frontend -> scummvm menu starts up.

    But the menu looks really "old", I think there might be something called a "modern menu" or so that should be loaded instead. Maybe escalade's repo could again point to a solution to that?

    Oh and btw, I don't get how scummvm games (or even the menu) can be started via the emulationstation frontend. There are 4 games listed (I don't know why there's 4, as I have 9 in the rom folder...), but when I try to start them it crashes immediatly and kodi starts again. I'd like to just start the scummvm gui and choose the game from there... but that's not important to me right now, because I'm heading for the supposed "advanced launcher" approach here.

    Thanks so far, anyway!

    Try adding -v.

    Hm, everything seems ok until the crash, doesn't it?


    The scummvm core works on my RPi2, although I'm not using this addon. You should try running it manually from CLI in order to get the error output, which should tell you what went wrong.

    Did that! First I stopped Kodi and enabled ALSA (just like bite_your_idols' skript does).

    LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/script.gamestarter/resources/bin # systemctl stop kodi
    LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/script.gamestarter/resources/bin # modprobe snd_bcm2835

    Then I tried to start the core:

    LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/script.gamestarter/resources/bin # ./retroarch -c /storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg -L /storage/.config/retroarch/cores/
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    I read somewhere that scummvm is only working on x86 PC right now.

    Thanks for your opinion, but I'm 100% sure that scummvm DOES work on the RPI 2. I had it running myself 2 weeks ago, before I decided to give LibreElec a shot.
    My setup back then was "OSMC" and "RetroPie". I used retrosmc for this and it worked like a charm (only had to post-install the scummvm binary via the setup script).

    I think that at least the scummvm core itself should be startable. This would open up the Scummvm Menu, but that's not happening...

    Maybe bite_your_idols can try running the scummvm core?

    Did anybody successfully get the scummvm core to work? I didn't find anything about scummvm in this thread or on bite_your_idols' github repository.

    Here's where I'm stuck:
    I started the RetroArch frontend, installed/updated the scummvm core (obviously wasn't installed by default) and tried to start it. The result is a black screen, followed by Kodi restarting...

    I just recently installed LibreElec 8 (Alpha 3) and GameStarter Addon 2.1.0 (the LE8 thing). Am I just experiencing those "segmentation fault" problem that were mentioned in some of the last posts? How can I check?

    Anyway, might as well read this post as a "scummvm request".

    Keep up the good work!